Covid: wearing a mask for Christmas? French mostly against, a survey says

Published by · Published on December 21, 2020 at 10:24 a.m.
As the Holidays are just around the corner, the World Health Organization thinks the spread risk is particularly high. Wearing a facemask is therefore recommended during family reunions for the Holidays. A survey conducted for RTL and Orange says that 68% of the French are not willing to comply with this rule.

You shall keep your mask on during the Holidays. So recommends the World Health Organization this Wednesday December 16, 2020. Because of the “high risk” of a new Covid-19 contamination wave in Europe in early 2021, the organization thinks wearing a facemask during the Holidays is necessary. This Friday December 18, 2020 a survey conducted for RTL and Orange has been released and says that 68% of the French are not for wearing a mask for Christmas.

To the question "do you intend to wear a mask for the Christmas celebrations" 32% of the surveyed say they intend to comply with the guideline from the international organization. 13% of them answer "certainly" to the same question. In people aged 65+, 45% of them wish to keep a protective mask on during the Holidays. In people aged 18-24, only 18% of the surveyed are willing to do so. Yet, as for the governmental recommendations - naming no more than 6 adults around the table - 71% of the surveyed say they will comply with the rule.

At the same time, the WHO says the danger of “further resurgence in the first weeks and months of 2021” is more current than ever. Behind WHO’s recommendations: the particular care from European governments taken for the Holidays, based on the example of Thanksgiving that led to an epidemic rise in the USA, because of the many trips and family reunions that take place at that time of the year.

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