As France is getting ready to exit containment, what would be the ideal conditions to reopen schools while limiting risks of propagating the virus? This Thursday April 23, 2020, the Academy of Medicine unveiled its recommendations. The day after, it’s the Scientific Council’s turn to give instructions.
Regularly washing hands remains vital: it’s recommended to wash them at least when entering the classroom, at the end of the class, before and after each meal, as well as after each contact with a biological liquid. As for hand-sanitizer, the Scientific Council recommends they are available from junior high, fearing dangers (ingestion, projection into the eye) for the youngest classes.
Biocleaning of schools should also be carried on once a day with disinfecting wipes on surfaces and especially on contact zones such as door handles and light switches. Rooms would also have to be aired and especially during breaks.
As for social distancing, the scientific council recommends a 1-meter space between table. This minimum distance between people will have to be respected anywhere in schools.
Special attention should be given to moments and places of shuffle such as hallways, classroom doorsteps and breaks so that students from another class or different levels cannot walk into one another. If one case is reported within the premises, this kind of measures would easily target people who have been in contact. The scientific council also recommends students have their meals in their classroom at their own table.
Last but not least, as for facemasks, the scientific council recommends it is compulsory from junior high, while respecting social distancing as much as possible when it cannot be worn especially during lunch.
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