This Thursday October 29 in the morning, France wakes up with a very bad headache. The night before, Emmanuel Macron once again addressed the country about the very alarming increase in the number of new Covid-19 cases in the country. To try and halt the second wave described as “worst than the first one”, the French President decreed national lockdown for at least 4 weeks. Implemented from the night between Thursday and Friday, it is said to last until December 1, 2020, at least.
But is it really possible to consider lifting lockdown as early as early December? Could the new lockdown last longer than planned? This is what our peers from Europe 1 say. According to the famous radio station, the government is considering a general lockdown for 8 to 12 weeks, naming until late January 2021, in the worst-case scenario.
If so then, why has the head of state not announced this possibly too long duration? As explained by Europe 1, it is first and foremost about “the social acceptation of measures”. As a matter of fact, announcing such a long lockdown “is a message impossible to convey into the opinion”. The fear to see some French riot against these new restrictions – as it occurred in Milan and Turin, Italy – is strong as Emmanuel Macron wants, on the contrary, gather the citizens together against the coronavirus epidemic.
Then, Europe 1 explains the government also hopes to see a strong decrease in the number of new Covid-19 infections by December 1st. if this option is not impossible, the Scientific Committee would judge it highly unlikely.
So, will this new lockdown last 4, 8 or 12 weeks? We will find out in the next couples of weeks. For the record, the French government will address the evolution of the situation “every two weeks”. “We’ll decide then extra measures and assess if we can make some restrictions lighter” Emmanuel Macron added on October 28 evening, adding yet that “if within two weeks we happen to control the situation, we could re-assess things and hope to open some stores, especially in this oh-so important period prior to the Holidays”. Moreover, the President still hopes French people can “celebrate Christmas and the Holidays with their families”.