Released in 2017, Baby Boss is an animated comedy directed by Tom McGrath, known for his work on Madagascar. Aimed at family audiences, Baby Boss tells the funny and surprising story of a baby who seems to be much more than just an infant. Supported by an ingenious screenplay and engaging characters, the film explores the themes of family and brotherhood with a touch of humor.
The arrival of a new baby in the home is always an upheaval, especially when that baby wears a tie, walks around with a briefcase and speaks with the voice of a fifty-year-old. Tim, a 7-year-old boy, doesn't take kindly to this "Baby Boss" moving into his home. However, he soon discovers that his new little brother is actually a spy on a secret mission. Baby Boss and Tim must join forces to prevent a plot that threatens to replace babies with adorable puppies in the hearts of their parents. Together, they're in for a wild ride of laughter and excitement.
Baby Boss is aimed primarily at families and children aged 6 and over, thanks to its accessible humor and dynamic animation. The film stands out for its original baby-spy concept and comic situations that appeal to children and adults alike. Fans of animated films such as Madagascar and Despicable Me will appreciate this comedy for its inventiveness and ability to blend action and humor. Baby Boss is ideal for an evening out with the family, promising moments of laughter and complicity.
Baby Boss is a hilarious, charming animated comedy that's sure to entertain young and old alike. Available on Prime Video from July 1, 2024, this film offers an unforgettable adventure, blending espionage, humor and tenderness. Whether you're looking for a movie for a family night out or just a good laugh, Baby Boss is the perfect choice.
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