We help build lasting memories between you and your loved ones

Published by La Rédac · Published on May 6, 2024 at 05:00 p.m.
Dear reader, these few words will help you understand Sortir à Paris, how to read us, and perhaps how to help us in our mission to serve this city and this region of Île-de-France that we love so much.

On general news, we are informative and factual. We owe our readers transparency, security and a sense of perspective.

We are not an opinion medium, we are apolitical. Society is divided, we hope to develop knowledge, we strive not to fuel division.

Ideally, if there's an assertion, we look to see if there's a contradiction. We're not perfect. We're still human: if you see mistakes, we hope you'll help us to correct them, with kindness.

As the leading source of information on current events, Sortir à Paris is also the most widely read regional guide in France, according to Médiamétrie. We're a cultural media, with one aim at the heart of our editorial adventure: to help you build lasting memories with the people you love.

That's why at Sortir à Paris, our journalists write only for our readers, and no brand can pay a journalist.
OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !

Our journalists love to meet passionate, innovative and authentic designers for you. The talent that professionals devote to perfecting your future memories will find a particularly strong echo at the heart of our editorial team. Because we like to highlight experiences that make a difference, companies are more likely to be selected if their proposal helps our millions of readers build lasting memories with the ones they love. Companies can also speak out, and write content in their own name. This content is clearly identified: you can always check at the top left of an article whether it is signed by a journalist, or whether it says "Sponsored" or "Press Release". We do, however, refuse many advertisers in order to protect our readers, when experiments seem dubious to us. It costs us, but we'd rather close the medium than go against our mission. Sometimes, an experiment previewed by a journalist changes along the way, either because it is modified by the company offering the experiment, or because other conditions have changed. In such cases, our readers can pass on the information to us, and we'll amend the article in the light of the facts.

A few words about artificial intelligence, increasingly present in society.
Our position is that applying it to informative content (without added value) frees up time, to the benefit of our readers. Indeed, the heart of our mission of exploration in the Paris region is to identify, test and share the best experiences as faithfully as possible.

You may be aware of the use of artificial intelligence via a specific mention on the page. Of course, we make sure that every experience we test is told by a journalist (fortunately, no robot can yet feel like a human being, except in Isaac Asimov's novels).

Sortiraparis, une audience record en 2020Sortiraparis, une audience record en 2020Sortiraparis, une audience record en 2020Sortiraparis, une audience record en 2020

Announcements of humanitarian, ecological or solidarity events benefit from a free platform with us.

Our teams are trained to provide free support to associations and volunteers committed to these causes. You can keep up to date with this content, with "Par Solidarité" in the upper left-hand corner of the article.

In reality, we'll never have a definitive answer on the right way to do things, and so much the better: information is changing, which makes our jobs more exciting, and we're counting on you, our readers, to help us learn from our mistakes.

Sortir à Paris, one of France's oldest web guides, relies on its passionate in-house teams to serve you. That's why we don't employ any freelancers: all our journalists have permanent contracts.

Our journalists write exclusively for our readers, on a strictly independent basis (we receive no press subsidies).

We believe that our 10 million readers deserve independent information, every time you rely on us to choose a moment with your loved ones.

Finally, your choice for authentic, verified information has made Sortir à Paris the most widely read regional guide in France: we thank you for that.

Thank you for taking the time to read this manifesto. Sortir à Paris is now over 20 years old, and has millions of memories behind it.

We hope to serve you for a few more years, to help you write new and lasting memories, with those you love.
OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !OFFICIEL : Sortiraparis rassemble plus de lecteurs que la totalité des guides Parisiens !

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