Ralph and his friend Vanellope are back on the small screen this Friday, February 24, 2023, 4 years after the release of the second installment of their adventures. In this sequel to their first epic in Ralph's Worlds, our two heroes leave the world of arcade games and go on an adventure in the limitless world of the Internet!
Ralph and his friend Vanellope von Schweetz will take any risk as they venture into the strange world of the Internet in search of a spare part to repair the terminal of Sugar Rush, the video game in which Vanellope lives. Quickly overwhelmed by the world around them, they will have to ask for help from the inhabitants of the Internet, the Netizens, in order to find their way, including Yesss, the main algorithm, the heart and soul of the trend-setting site BuzzzTube...
The new Walt Disney Animation Studios film is directed by Rich Moore (best known for ZOOTOPIA and THE WONDERS OF RALPH) and Phil Johnston (co-writer of THE WONDERS OF RALPH and ZOOTOPIA, and screenwriter of WELCOME TO CEDAR RAPIDS), and produced by Clark Spencer (ZOOTOPIA, THE WONDERS OF RALPH, VOLT STAR WITHOUT HIM).
The film is broadcast on M6 this Friday, February 24, 2023, just before Aladdin by Guy Ritchie with Naomi Scott and Will Smith.
Dates and Opening Time
On February 24, 2023
From 09:10 p.m. to 11:05 p.m.
Recommended age
For all
Official website