Shaun the Sheep The Movie: Farm Strikes Back is an animated comedy film directed by Will Becher and Richard Phelan, with the voices of Justin Fletcher, Kate Harbour and David Holt. This second installment of Shaun's adventures features children's favorite sheep in an interstellar epic combining humor, emotion and visual creativity. The plot centers on a little alien named LU-LA, who crash-lands near the farm, triggering a series of incredible adventures involving supernatural powers and a mysterious government organization.
Shaun the Sheep The Movie: The Farm Strikes Back will be shown on Max from December 13, 2024.
Synopsis: Shaun the Sheep returns for an intergalactic adventure. A spaceship has crashed near Shaun's farm. On board is an adorable, mischievous little creature named LU-LA.
With her supernatural powers, her taste for adventure and her burps from another world, she is immediately adopted by the herd. But when a shadowy government organization comes after her, determined to capture the little alien, the farm strikes back! Shaun and the herd do everything they can to help LU-LA return home.
Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a laugh-out-loud epic!
Shaun the Sheep The Movie: The Farm Strikes Back is aimed above all at families and children aged 6 and over. Its slapstick humor and endearing characters will also delight adults who appreciate inventive animated films. With its nods to science fiction ( E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial and Guardians of the Galaxy come to mind), the film combines cultural references with the visual style of the Aardman studio, famous for its expertise in stop-motion animation.
If you like comedies like Chicken Run or the original Shaun series, this film is an ideal choice. However, those looking for a more complex story or spectacular digital animation might prefer another style.
Shaun the Sheep The Movie: The Farm Strikes Back promises a funny, original and visually polished adventure at the crossroads of science fiction and family comedy. This film will delight fans of the famous sheep while attracting a new audience thanks to its accessible script and many hilarious moments.
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