Directed by Ben Stassen and Jérémie Degruson, Le Manoir magique is an animated film for the whole family. Originally released in 2013, this moving tale follows the adventures of Tonnerre, a young abandoned cat, who discovers a mysterious mansion populated by colorful characters. Between magic, friendship and ingenious tricks, Tonnerre and his new companions will have to defend their home against an unexpected threat. With its magical world and universal themes, Le Manoir magique promises to delight young and old alike.
Le Manoir magique will be broadcast on Max from December 25, 2024.
Synopsis: Thunder, a young cat, has been abandoned by his family. Alone and lost, he finds refuge in a mysterious mansion belonging to Lorenz, a retired magician. Tonnerre soon feels at home in this enchanted house, filled with strange and amusing characters... But when his host, Lorenz, is sent to hospital, his nephew tries everything to sell the house without his uncle noticing. Then Tonnerre comes up with the most astonishing idea: to turn their manor house into a haunted house! The resistance is organized with the help of his little companions.
Le Manoir magique is aimed primarily at young viewers aged 6 and over, but will also appeal to families thanks to its endearing characters and visually captivating world. With its meticulous animation and plot centered on values such as solidarity, ingenuity and mutual aid, the film is perfect for a cocooning evening.
This film can be compared to works such as Hayao Miyazaki's The Moving Castle or Ralph's Worlds for its blend of magic, fun and moving moments. If you like fairy tales with unusual characters and enchanting settings, The Magic Manor is an ideal choice. On the other hand, fans of more dynamic or action-oriented stories may find the pace too gentle.
With Le Manoir magique, immerse yourself in a magical adventure of humor, emotion and creativity. This animated film is an ode to magic and solidarity, perfect for entertaining young and old this holiday season.
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