In the biographical drama Lee Miller, director Ellen Kuras explores the incredible life of this extraordinary woman. First known as a model for Vogue and muse to artist Man Ray, Lee Miller went on to break barriers to become one of the first female war photographers. The film, scripted by Liz Hannah and John Collee, stars Kate Winslet as an intense embodiment of this iconic figure in the history of journalism and photography. Alongside Winslet, Andy Samberg and Alexander Skarsgård complete a promising cast.
The Lee Miller film will be released in cinemas from October 9, 2024.
Synopsis: The incredible life of LEE MILLER, former Vogue model and Man Ray muse, who became one of the first female war photographers. Sent to the front and willing to do anything to bear witness to the horrors of the Second World War, her courage and refusal of convention changed the way the world was seen.
Lee Miller plunges the viewer into the torn Europe of the Second World War. The film follows the evolution of this determined woman, who, after a career as a model and muse, went to the front to document the horrors of the conflict. Armed with her camera, Lee Miller captures images that will go down in history, while facing the challenges and dangers inherent in her unique position. Her courage and determination redefined the role of women in war photography and reporting.
Lee Miller will appeal to fans of biopics and historical dramas, as well as those interested in stories of pioneering women. The film should appeal to audiences who have enjoyed works such as Une femme d'exception or Les Heures sombres, both of which focus on prominent historical figures. What sets Lee Miller apart from other biopics is not only the focus on a woman who defied the social norms of her time, but also the way the film explores the power of image in a world at war. The visual aspect will be particularly important, and with Ellen Kuras, known for her work as cinematographer on films such as Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, we can expect a polished and immersive production.
Lee Miller promises to be a captivating biopic, carried by a Kate Winslet at the top of her game. By focusing on a figure as complex and inspiring as Lee Miller, the film invites viewers to rediscover a dark period in history through the lens of a woman who defied convention. This historical drama, halfway between intimate portrait and war fresco, is likely to leave a lasting impression when it is released on October 9, 2024.
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