Paris Has Fallen is the new action-thriller series from Howard Overman, creator of the British series Misfits. This ambitious project follows in the footsteps of hit films such as The Fall of the White House and its sequels, The Fall of London and The Fall of the President. Combining action and political tension, the series follows French agent Vincent Taleb, played by Tewfik Jallab, known for his roles in La Marche and Braqueurs. He is accompanied by MI6 agent Zara Taylor, played by Ritu Arya, who made her name in The Umbrella Academy. Together, they face a major terrorist threat.
In Paris Has Fallen, Protection Officer Vincent Taleb and MI6 agent Zara Taylor join forces to foil an attack on the Minister of Defense during a reception at the British Embassy in Paris. As they attempt to protect the French capital, they soon find themselves up against a much larger plot orchestrated by Jacob Pearce, played by Sean Harris(Mission: Impossible - Fallout). Their race against time takes them to the heart of the French government, where every decision could see Paris fall into the hands of terrorists.
Paris Has Fallen will appeal to fans of political action films and thrillers, in the vein of the Has Fallen saga, while adding a European touch with its Parisian settings. The series will captivate viewers who have enjoyed films such as Bodyguard or 24 Heures Chrono, with its breathless pace and political intrigue. The presence of Tewfik Jallab and Ritu Arya brings a new dynamic to this internationally acclaimed franchise. Fans of the previous films can look forward to an extension of this universe, while discovering issues specific to France.
Featuring a plot combining action, politics and international tension, Paris Has Fallen promises to be a must-see for fans of the genre. Available from September 23, 2024 on Canal+, this series marks a new chapter in the Has Fallen universe. If you're a fan of thrillers like The Fall of London or Bodyguard, this new series should quickly captivate you.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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