L'Amour au présent, a comedy-drama directed by John Crowley, explores the sentimental journey of two characters played by Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield. The plot, written by Nick Payne, follows the chance encounter between a talented chef and a young divorcee who, despite their opposite lives, find themselves embroiled in an intense and profound relationship. The film offers a poignant look at relationships and their transformations over time, while navigating between lightness and gravity.
L'Amour au présent will be released in theaters on January 1, 2025.
Synopsis: An up-and-coming chef and a young divorcee find their lives changed forever when a chance encounter brings them together in a deeply moving love story that spans a decade.
John Crowley'sLove in the Present is a romantic drama that delves into the complexity of human relationships in the face of illness and mortality. Starring Florence Pugh as Almut and Andrew Garfield as Tobias, her partner, the film explores the trials and hopes of a couple faced with the recurrence of ovarian cancer. Alternating between the present, when Almut learns that her cancer has returned, and flashbacks revealing their initial battle with the disease, their difficulties in conceiving a child, and moments of intense complicity, Love in the Present asserts itself as a story that is both poignant and universal. The narrative approach interweaves memories and present-day moments, painting a heartfelt portrait of love and emotional survival.
The film's structure, built on constant back-and-forth between past and present, may confuse the viewer, but it aims to capture the way memories impose themselves on the characters. These flashbacks are more than elements of context: they express past pains and joys, integrating bright scenes - such as Almut and his companion's laughter at the funfair - with darker moments when the gravity of the disease overwhelms them. This narrative construction illustrates the weight of the past that never ceases to haunt the couple, even as they try to rebuild a fragile happiness. This fragmented approach reflects Almut and Tobias' torments with disturbing precision.
The heart of the film lies in the exceptional chemistry between Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield, who embody this couple with disarming sensitivity and sincerity. From the very first minutes, Pugh captivates with her ability to navigate intense emotions without ever going overboard. Garfield, meanwhile, brings a gentleness and unfailing support that contrasts with his own moments of fragility. Their duet particularly resonates during key scenes, such as the one in which Almut expresses his anguish at seeing his relationship with his daughter come down to her imminent death. This heartbreaking moment reveals Pugh's emotional depth, while Garfield succeeds in expressing, through simple glances, a pain that words cannot convey.
Despite the depth of its subject matter, L'amour au présent also manages to find subtle touches of humor that remind us of the characters' humanity. A striking exchange occurs when Almut suggests adopting a dog to prepare their daughter for the loss of a loved one, a choice that triggers an ironic response from her partner:"I'm glad we decided to talk to her rather than kill a dog". This light-hearted moment speaks volumes about their relationship: together, they face the darkest of situations with a shared sense of humor, a sign of their unfailing complicity.
John Crowley's direction is sober, leaving room for the actors' performances and the writing. The film's aesthetic, marked by a subdued color palette and often soft lighting, reinforces the intimacy of this drama. However, this visual restraint can sometimes seem too cautious, lacking the visually striking moments to make a lasting impression on certain passages. Nevertheless, a few scenes, such as the unexpected delivery at a gas station, show just how well Crowley plays with the intensity of situations to captivate his audience without needing to overdo it.
Beyond its love story, L'amour au présent is about unfulfilled ambitions and the desire for personal fulfillment. When Florence Pugh's character enters the prestigious Bocuse d'Or competition, despite her illness and the fact that the competition coincides with her wedding date, she expresses this desire not to let herself be reduced to the status of an invalid.I'm not particularly interested in dying having done nothing with my life", she tells her partner. This moment underlines the depth of the film, which explores the will to resist, to leave a mark beyond illness. It's a powerful reminder of human resilience and the importance of accepting that our passage is fleeting, but can be filled with meaning.
In the end, Love in the Present is touching in its honesty and the intensity of its performers, even if its narrative structure may disorient some viewers. Florence Pugh and Andrew Garfield deliver unforgettable performances, humanizing their characters with devastating tenderness and sincerity. This film will move those who appreciate introspective dramas and tales of emotional survival. While it doesn't reinvent the genre, L'amour au présent stands out for the accuracy of its subject matter and the quality of its acting, offering a subtle and tragic mirror of human relationships.
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