Jason Bourne: Legacy, directed by Tony Gilroy, is an action/espionage film that extends the world of Jason Bourne, originally brought to the screen by Matt Damon. This time, Jeremy Renner plays the hero, Aaron Cross, another agent caught up in the government conspiracy uncovered by Jason. The film, originally released in 2012, follows on from the events of Revenge in the Skin, while expanding the plot with new characters such as biochemist Marta Shearing, played by Rachel Weisz, and Colonel Byer, played by Edward Norton.
After exposing the Treadstone program, Jason Bourne only scratched the surface of a larger conspiracy. An even more secretive program, called "Outcome", was created to train agents capable of carrying out extremely perilous missions. Aaron Cross, one of these six agents, finds himself in danger after Jason reveals some crucial information, compromising the safety of the "Outcome" agents. Under threat of total elimination by Colonel Byer, Cross begins a race against time to survive. He must find Marta Shearing, a scientist working on the program, who holds the key to his survival.
Jason Bourne: Legacy is aimed at fans of spy films and action movies, especially those who enjoyed the previous films in the Jason Bourne franchise. This feature film offers a new take on the Bourne universe, while introducing a different hero, more rooted in a dimension of biological survival. Fans of films like Mission: Impossible or Salt will find similar elements, with intense chase scenes and a complex plot combining science and conspiracy. The duo of Jeremy Renner and Rachel Weisz adds a new dynamic, broadening the emotional and scientific stakes of the story.
Jason Bourne: Legacy follows in the footsteps of the great spy thrillers, with a twist thanks to the introduction of the "Outcome" program and its hero, Aaron Cross. Available on Max from September 12, 2024, this film promises to captivate fans of intense tales mixing action and political manipulation. Don't miss this opportunity to rediscover the Bourne universe in a new light.
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