Released in February 2015, Kingsman: Secret Service(Kingsman: The Secret Service in its original version) is an action-spy film directed by Matthew Vaughn, based on the comic book The Secret Service by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons. Blending British humor with zany action, the film tells the story of an elitist secret agency that recruits a young man from the London suburbs to become a super-spy. Starring Taron Egerton, Colin Firth and Samuel L. Jackson, Kingsman breathes new life into the spy genre. The film will be available on Prime Video from October 20, 2024.
Kingsman is an elite British secret organization, where agents are elegantly dressed in three-piece suits while being masters in the art of espionage. When a Kingsman agent dies on a mission, it becomes urgent to recruit a replacement. Recruiters choose to train young aspirants to discover the next genius spy.
Eggsy(Taron Egerton), an impertinent young man from a disadvantaged London neighborhood, is far from a typical candidate, but he catches the eye of Harry Hart(Colin Firth), a seasoned Kingsman agent who sees exceptional potential in him. Eggsy joins a brutal training program alongside privileged youngsters, all aspiring to become the next super-spy.
Meanwhile, a megalomaniac criminal, Richmond Valentine(Samuel L. Jackson), a technological genius with Machiavellian plans, is plotting a diabolical plot that threatens mankind. Armed with sophisticated gadgets and impeccable suits, Eggsy and the Kingsman must do everything in their power to stop Valentine before it's too late.
Kingsman: Secret Service will appeal to fans of action films and spy thrillers who appreciate tales where British humor meets spectacular action scenes. The film will appeal to James Bond fans, but with a wackier, modern twist. Audiences who enjoyed works like Kick-Ass ( also directed by Matthew Vaughn) or Mission: Impossible will find Kingsman a captivating film, with inventively choreographed action scenes and eccentric characters.
The film's originality lies in its unique tone: a blend of British elegance, stylized violence and absurdist humor. Taron Egerton shines in the role of Eggsy, an anti-hero in the making, while Colin Firth, in a surprising role as a fearsome secret agent, embodies class and elegance to perfection. Samuel L. Jackson, as an eccentric villain with a phobia for blood, adds a humorous dimension while remaining terrifyingly menacing. The film also stands out for its innovative action scenes, such as the famous fight sequence in the church.
Available on Prime Video from October 20, 2024, Kingsman: Secret Service is a spy thriller packed with action, humor and style, where Britain's elite take on global threats with sophisticated gadgets and impeccable costumes. With memorable performances from Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, and Samuel L. Jackson, this film offers an entertaining and explosive spectacle, ideal for fans of action and modern spy stories.
Our review of Kingsman: Secret Service (2015):
Kingsman: Secret Service plays with the codes of the classic spy movie to create an ultra-pop and irreverent film. Kingsman responds to James Bond's elegance with a real passion for the three-piece suit and the many accessories that go with it, pushing the English gentleman's envelope to the point of disgust. As for the Machiavellian criminal, he's got a funny ecological aim.
and crazy; his lisp adds a healthy dose of ridiculousness to his rapper looks, and this villain seems to take on all the codes of villains to become the most schizophrenic and offbeat representation of them all.Kingsman revels in a multitude of references that intermingle in a joyous, rhythmic hubbub. The audience has a lot of fun with Eggsy, a young suburbanite catapulted into the world of secret agents almost by mistake, an excellent recruit despite his bad manners. The various trials and tribulations that mark his path to becoming a secret agent borrow from teen movies (think of the recent Labyrinth or Divergent), and make for a lively and whimsical affair.
In short, Kingsman is a great piece of entertainment, perhaps a little hard to digest, but you'll certainly be a fan if pop culture is in your blood!
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