Just off the Arts et Métiers metro station, in Paris's 3rd arrondissement, lies a boutique like no other. While there are a number of esoteric haunts in the capital to delight lovers of witchcraft, lithotherapy and other ancient practices, Les Mists Terre d'Avalon welcomes you on a spiritual journey, between a space dedicated to ritual objects, incense and statuettes of divinities, and the upstairs, which invites you to relax and meditate. An authentic place created by Jérôme long before the witch craze appeared on social networks, where you can find advice on how to get started, even out of curiosity.
In this magical little temple, oracles and tarot cards rub shoulders with sage, crystal balls, minerals, decorations and books on the esoteric- enough to answer your questions and pick up all kinds of material. The capital's only pagan store focuses on shamanism and witchcraft, but above all on pagan beliefs of all kinds. While all this may seem strange or disturbing to the uninitiated, it's easy to realize that we use many of these practices in our daily lives.
All year round, the boutique celebrates nature and the seasons, allowing those who wish to do so to discover themselves. Upstairs, a beautiful, colorful space is set aside for the practice of meditation, lulled into calm by the sound of gentle, restful chanting. Available for hire, it can host workshops, conferences or women's circles, to learn how to draw cards or benefit from new knowledge, but is also available on a daily basis for private meditations, at a cost of three euros per day.
The perfect place to live out your spirituality, while respecting everyone's beliefs!
Dates and Opening Time
Starts January 21, 2025
Mists Land of Avalon
9 Rue Bailly
75003 Paris 3
Official website