Pixel, an originaldance show created by choreographer Mourad Merzouki, runs at Théâtre Le 13e Art from November 27, 2024 to February 1, 2025. The show combines dance and interactive video, creating a fusion between body and image. Pixel has already attracted over 360,000 spectators and is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year!
With Pixel, choreographer Mourad Merzouki presents a dance performance mixing hip-hop dance and 3D effects. Created in 2014, Pixel has toured many countries around the world. Already sold out in 2021 and 2022 at Théâtre Le 13e Art, this time the show welcomes 13 new dancers, as well as 6 dancers present since its first cast.
The 3D effects used enable Mourad Merzouki to combine dance with circus art, finding a new playground. The choreography is accompanied by Armand Amar 's musical creation, inviting the spectator on a lyrical journey. In a digital space, millions of pixels come to life to create striking visual illusions, moving in real time in response to the artists' movements. The Théâtre Le 13e Art hosts Pixel, a dance performance offering an immersive experience unlike any other.
Our review:
A modern, poetic and rhythmic dance show for all ages! This year, Pixel returns to the 13th Art stage for its tenth year, and we understand why. Mourad Merzouki plays cleverly with 3D effects, which add an important dynamism to the show.
Although the 3D effects enhance the modern choreography, the dancers deliver an impressive dance performance before our very eyes, with movements of incredible precision. The cast of dancers is mostly male, with only one incredibly supple female dancer, and we admit we'd have liked to have seen more women on stage.
Nevertheless, the show is absolutely worth the detour and promises 1h20 of enchantment thanks to the 3D effects, as well as technical prowess on the part of the dancers. A perfect show to discover if it's your first modern dance performance (for adults and children alike)!
Dates and Opening Time
From November 27, 2024 to February 1, 2025
The 13th art
30 Avenue d'Italie
75013 Paris 13
Place d'Italie metro station
À partir de: €20
Official website
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