ADN, a new theatrical creation by Caroline Ami and Flavie Péan, runs at the Théâtre Michel from October 3 to December 31, 2024, and will then be extended until April 30, 2025. A thriller inspired by true events, the play should transport you into an extraordinary story!
After a DNA test, Tomas discovers that he is not the father of his child, but rather his uncle. Yet he is unaware of the existence of a brother. Just as his mother is about to tell him the truth, Tomas finds her murdered. The craziest part of the story? ADN is inspired by true events and promises to keep audiences at the Théâtre Michelon the edge of their seats for the entire performance.
Directed by Sébastien Azzopardi, the play is set in the United States. The director, known for his recent successes La Dame Blanche and Chapitre XIII, is expected to use 360-degree staging, involving audience participation. Audiences should find themselves completely immersed in this thriller based on real events, transported from the Théâtre Michel to the United States.
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The playwrights, Caroline Ami and Flavie Péan, were inspired by real events that took place in Washington in 2014. Touched by this story, the playwrights decided to create a play about it, while taking a few liberties with the story, adding a few elements. The DNA thriller can be seen at the Théâtre Michel until April 30, 2025.
A little nugget! If you like fast-paced plays, you'll love ADN. Sébastien Azzopardi's well-thought-out staging takes us on a whirlwind tour of an hour and forty minutes, where there's never a dull moment. Based on real events, we find ourselves totally immersed in an incredible story, thanks to a highly original staging. Get ready to turn your head in all directions!
Bordering on an interactive play, ADN's text is brought to life by six actors, playing several roles to perfection (those that reminded us of the play Big Mother in terms of rhythm and casting). Thanks to sliding panels on stage, the play skilfully changes scenery and doesn't leave you a moment's peace. Caroline Ami and Flavie Péan sprinkle this thriller with many effective, genuinely funny touches. A play that's accessible, but top-notch: go for it!
Our review:
A real nugget! If you like fast-paced plays, ADN is sure to captivate you. Directed with remarkable ingenuity, Sébastien Azzopardi takes us on a thrilling 1h40-minute whirlwind, without the slightest downtime. Inspired by true events, this immersive show plunges you into the heart of a gripping story, supported by an original staging that will have your head spinning in all directions!
On the edge of interactive theater, ADN captivates with a powerful text sublimated by six talented actors, each brilliantly taking on several roles. The dynamism and precision of the acting are reminiscent of the breathless pace of Big Mother, for those who have seen it. Thanks to sliding panels that transform the stage in the blink of an eye, the play moves from scene to scene with remarkable fluidity, keeping the suspense at its peak.
Add to this a touch of humor skilfully distilled by Caroline Ami and Flavie Péan, and you have a theatrical thriller as accessible as it is ambitious. Between tension and laughter, ADN is a masterful show not to be missed. A real favorite!
Dates and Opening Time
From October 3, 2024 to December 31, 2024
Michel Theatre
38 rue des Mathurins
75008 Paris 8
€22 - €46
Official website
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