Delta variant - activities

Variant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la FranceVariant Delta : ce qu'il faut savoir sur cette forme du Covid qui menace la France

Variant Delta: everything you need to know about this covid strain threatening France

Its quick spread in France worries everyone: variant Delta might cause a fourth epidemic wave in France. In Gers, two people died of Covid-19 and variant Delta. Keep reading to find out more about this threat.
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Covid: “The variant Delta will take over” in France, Alain Fischer thinks

There are more and more concerns as for the spread of the variant Delta in the country. According to professor Alain Fischer, the “Indian variant will take over, it is clear, as it has in Great Britain”. This is what stated the Head of the Vaccinal Strategy Orientation Board this Friday morning on LCI.
Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ? Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ? Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ? Coronavirus : le variant Delta dominant dans l'Union européenne d'ici fin aout ?

Coronavirus: variant Delta to dominate in the European Union by the end of August?

As the epidemic situation is improving in France, the spread of the variant Delta (ex-Indian) might cause a fourth wave. According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, it might be dominant in the European Union by the end of August.
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Covid: “There is a variant Delta-related threat” in France, Gabriel Attal thinks

Faced with the spread of the variant Delta, called “Indian”, in France, “we must be very cautious”, Gabriel Attal thinks. This Wednesday June 23, 2021, invited on BFMTV, the government spokesman admitted there “is a variant Delta-related threat” in the country.
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Coronavirus: development of the (Indian) Delta variant in France, Olivier Véran urges caution

As the coronavirus epidemic is declining in France, the India variant keeps on developing. Renamed Delta variant, it remains in minority although its spread is worrying specifically because of the situation in the United Kingdom. French Health Minister Olivier Véran urges caution.