Gabriel attal - activities

Régionales : Gabriel Attal se porte candidat dans le Hauts-de-SeineRégionales : Gabriel Attal se porte candidat dans le Hauts-de-SeineRégionales : Gabriel Attal se porte candidat dans le Hauts-de-SeineRégionales : Gabriel Attal se porte candidat dans le Hauts-de-Seine

Covid: vaccine pass likely to be lifted by “late March or early April”, Gabriel Attal announces

This Wednesday February 9, 2022, after the ministerial council, Gabriel Attal announced the likely end of the vaccine pass for “late March or early April”.
Covid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la FranceCovid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la FranceCovid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la FranceCovid : un nouveau variant détecté dans le sud de la France

Covid: “We are defeating the Delta variant”, Gabriel Attal states

As contaminations have not peaked yet, government spokesman Gabriel Attal announced France was “defeating the Delta variant”.
Visuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de LyonVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de LyonVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de LyonVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon

Coronavirus – the epidemic is breaking out again, 20% of contaminations caused by Omicron

The coronavirus epidemic is escalating in France because of the spread of the Delta and Omicron variants. According to Gabriel Attal, the latter is found in 20% of new contaminations in France.
Visuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris Seine

Coronavirus: in Paris, over a third of contaminations are caused by Omicron

The coronavirus epidemic goes on in France. Following consultation with local elected representatives as part of the implementation of the vaccinal pass, government’s spokesman Gabriel Attal stated over one case in three is related to Omicron.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Coronavirus: the French government does not rule out new measures in case of another outbreak

While facing the fifth epidemic wave, France is about to lead a two-front battle against the Delta and Omicron variants. The latter could cause another outbreak. The French government could go beyond the instated measures.
Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?

Covid: requirements to enter France made harsher, Gabriel Attal’s announcements

After December 1, 2021’s council of ministers, Gabriel Attal announced requirements at the borders were now harsher. Compulsory negative test from less than 48 hours for all non-EU travelers, test from less than 24 hours for all non-vaccinated travelers from an EU member country… Here are the latest restrictions.
Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ? Confinement le week-end : la règle des 5km / 1h bientôt en vigueur à Paris et en Île-de-France ?

Covid: another lockdown cannot be “ruled out” according to Pr. Arnaud Fontanet

Faced with the 5th wave, will France follow the steps of some of its European neighbors and instate restrictions? As Olivier Véran is expected to host a press briefing this Thursday November 25, epidemiologist Arnaud Fontanet told Le Parisien another lockdown cannot be “ruled out”.
Macron 20h - Coronavirus : vers de nouvelles restrictions ? Macron 20h - Coronavirus : vers de nouvelles restrictions ? Macron 20h - Coronavirus : vers de nouvelles restrictions ? Macron 20h - Coronavirus : vers de nouvelles restrictions ?

Coronavirus – Fifth wave: Gabriel Attal’s latest announcements

France has officially entered the fifth coronavirus epidemic wave. So, to try and curb the rise in Covid-19-related contaminations, Gabriel Attal has announced the implementation of new restrictions. Third dose extended, reinforced health pass, or return of compulsory facemask… Here is more on the matter!
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Covid: “this 5th wave is starting at lightning speed” in France, Gabriel Attal alerts

With an increase of 81% in cases in one week, this Sunday November 21, government spokesman Gabriel Attal spoke about the “5th wave is starting at lightning speed”.
Visuel Paris Bourse PinaultVisuel Paris Bourse PinaultVisuel Paris Bourse PinaultVisuel Paris Bourse Pinault

Coronavirus: how could the health pass be eased off?

As the coronavirus epidemic is declining in France, the government met this Wednesday September 22 for a Defense Council. On the agenda: likely easing of the health pass. Although it is not to happen anytime soon, Emmanuel Macron yet asked for more criteria to determine a future easing of the pass. How could it be eased off, then?
Les Galeries Lafayette BeaugrenelleLes Galeries Lafayette BeaugrenelleLes Galeries Lafayette BeaugrenelleLes Galeries Lafayette Beaugrenelle

Health pass: pass control in shopping malls rejected by the Council of State

The government wished to instate the health pass to access stores and shopping malls. The Council of State has rejected the measures, considering it was a "disproportionate harm to involved people's freedom". Compulsory health pass could yet be kept for shopping malls covering over 20,000sqm on some conditions.
Aides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel Attal

Antivax: “A very hot-headed and defeatist fringe”, Gabriel Attal claims

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal addressed the demonstrations against the health pass and compulsory vaccination held this past July 17 in France in Le Parisien. He says antivax are “a very hot-headed and defeatist fringe, in minority, who would gladly do with chaos and inactivity”.
Aides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel AttalAides aux restaurateurs : après la réouverture, "le soutien se poursuivra" confirme Gabriel Attal

The 4th wave “might have started”, Gabriel Attal claims

The 4th wave “is no longer a risk but a reality”, according to Gabriel Attal. The government spokesman spoke this July 13, 2021, following the ministerial council to address the French President’s address. And when it comes to the vaccine strategy instated, the spokesman clearly stated it was the very key for the economic recovery, adding “tests cannot be alternative vaccines”.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Covid: “There is a variant Delta-related threat” in France, Gabriel Attal thinks

Faced with the spread of the variant Delta, called “Indian”, in France, “we must be very cautious”, Gabriel Attal thinks. This Wednesday June 23, 2021, invited on BFMTV, the government spokesman admitted there “is a variant Delta-related threat” in the country.
Visuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit PalaisVisuel Paris arbres en fleurs, jardins, parc Petit Palais

Reopening calendar: Macron to speak this Friday to the regional press

When will the French President speak about the lockdown exit? According to Prime Minister Jean Castex, Emmanuel Macron is to speak this Friday April 30, 2021. According to AFP, the Head of State is to reveal the lockdown exit strategy in an interview released this Friday morning in the regional daily press.
Visuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'Elysée

Coronavirus: Gabriel Attal's announcements following the Defense Council

At the end of the Defense Council, the government spokesman Gabriel Attal unveiled his report this Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Here is a summary of the announcements concerning the health crisis.
Visuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CœurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CœurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CœurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré Cœur

Covid: “This could be the peak” of the third wave, Gabriel Attal thinks

After the ministerial council held this Wednesday April 21, 2021, government spokesman Gabriel Attal revealed many news to the press. Among them, the idea the third Covid-19 contamination wave is eventually peaking in France. Therefore, it is expected the decline of this wave be faster than the increase.
Déconfinement au 3 mai ?Déconfinement au 3 mai ?Déconfinement au 3 mai ?Déconfinement au 3 mai ?

Lockdown exit: “no new calendar” at this stage – Gabriel Attal guarantees

As May 3, 2021 – the day Covid-19 restrictions are said to be lifted from – is just around the corner, the executive brings new prospects as for the progressive reopening calendar inspired by common sense. Starting with terraces and cultural places able to – mostly – reopen from mid-May. Cautious, this Friday April 16, 2021 the government spokesman says for now no other option than the one ruled for by the Head of State is being considered. Yet, lifting curfew has not been decided yet.
Coronavirus :Coronavirus :Coronavirus :Coronavirus :

Covid: “The last wave is not behind us” Gabriel Attal reminds

French government spokesman considers the health situation is far from having fully recovered. Even though Covid-19 markers are very slightly decreasing in some areas, Gabriel Attal speaks about a "very contrasted" health situation in France; reminding on the same occasion the third wave of the epidemic currently hitting France has not passed yet. President Macron is expected to present the detailed reopening protocol in the coming days.
Visuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris LouvreVisuel Paris Louvre

Coronavirus: museums to reopen as soon as lockdown is lifted?

As mainland France is going through the third hybrid lockdown, the Senate has been claiming for museum and all cultural places to reopen as soon as lockdown is lifted.