
Omicron: “We are faced with a variant that is 50 to 80% less severe”

The Omicron variant could be a milestone in the evolution of the pandemic: although very contagious, it is said to be “50 to 80% less severe”, according to Scientific Committee member Pr. Yazdan Yazdanpanah.

Covid: isolation rules to be relaxed from Monday January 3rd

New isolation rules will be instated from January 3 for all contact cases and Covid-19 sick with different modalities depending on the vaccination scheme.
Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris Covid : dépistage rapide, gratuit et sans rendez-vous place de la République à Paris

Covid and isolation: new rules to come soon for positive cases and contact cases

To date, people who have been in touch with someone infected with the Omicron variant must self-isolate for seven days, or even 17 days if they live in the same place. Following the latest health defense council, Jean Castex announced the self-isolation period for Covid-19 positive cases and contact cases will change soon. These new isolation rules are to be announced by the end of the week by the French government.
Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?Covid : le « pass sanitaire » bientôt nécessaire pour voyager en avion ?

Covid: requirements to enter France made harsher, Gabriel Attal’s announcements

After December 1, 2021’s council of ministers, Gabriel Attal announced requirements at the borders were now harsher. Compulsory negative test from less than 48 hours for all non-EU travelers, test from less than 24 hours for all non-vaccinated travelers from an EU member country… Here are the latest restrictions.
Covid : vers un isolement obligatoire pour toute personne positive au virus ?Covid : vers un isolement obligatoire pour toute personne positive au virus ?Covid : vers un isolement obligatoire pour toute personne positive au virus ?Covid : vers un isolement obligatoire pour toute personne positive au virus ?

Covid: The Constitutional Council refuses compulsory isolation for sick people

In their ongoing bill, the government wished to impose a 10-day self-isolation period to anyone tested positive to Covid-19. An article censored by the Constitutional Council thinking this proposition is not "necessary, adapted" and "proportionate".
Covid : la France, bientôt sur la "liste rouge" du Royaume-Uni ?Covid : la France, bientôt sur la "liste rouge" du Royaume-Uni ?Covid : la France, bientôt sur la "liste rouge" du Royaume-Uni ?Covid : la France, bientôt sur la "liste rouge" du Royaume-Uni ?

Indian variant: travelers from the UK to comply with compulsory quarantine starting from Monday

Because of the active spread of the Indian Covid-19 variant in the United Kingdom, France has decided to implement a “mandatory self-isolation period” for travelers coming from the UK. This measure will be instated from Monday May 31, 2021.
Covid : Air France va tester un "Pass" sanitaire numérique pour voyager vers les AntillesCovid : Air France va tester un "Pass" sanitaire numérique pour voyager vers les AntillesCovid : Air France va tester un "Pass" sanitaire numérique pour voyager vers les AntillesCovid : Air France va tester un "Pass" sanitaire numérique pour voyager vers les Antilles

Covid: towards new travel restrictions with the hardest-hit countries

As France has just halted flights from and to Brazil, this Monday April 19, 2021, the French government is expected to present new travel restrictions with the most at-risk countries.
Covid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme MacronCovid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme MacronCovid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme MacronCovid : "Nous sommes en train de prendre les décisions requises pour protéger Noël" confirme Macron

Covid: President Emmanuel Macron has tested positive

This Thursday December 17, 2020, the French President has tested positive for Covid-19 after passing a RT-PCR test, the Elysée announced. Emmanuel Macron now has to self-isolate for seven days.
Visuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de SeineVisuel Paris quai de Seine

Coronavirus: “voluntary” self-isolation for French coming from non-EU countries

Starting Wednesday May 20, 2020, French coming from non-EU countries are invited to self-isolate. But this 2-week isolation will be based on volunteering. This is what Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian announced on May 19th on LCI.
Coronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier VéranCoronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier VéranCoronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier VéranCoronavirus : Les principes du déconfinement selon Edouard Philippe et Olivier Véran

France's containment exit plan: sum up

Edouard Philippe and 6 other Ministers presented the government's deconfinement plan this Thursday afternoon to the French. They revealed at the same time the latest red-green area map by department. Here is what we already know about the strategy proposed.