
Les adaptations littéraires à voir au théâtre à Paris et en Île-de-FranceLes adaptations littéraires à voir au théâtre à Paris et en Île-de-FranceLes adaptations littéraires à voir au théâtre à Paris et en Île-de-FranceLes adaptations littéraires à voir au théâtre à Paris et en Île-de-France

The Price of Ascension: a political comedy about ambition and power

A political rise that's as funny as it is cruel: "Le Prix de l'Ascension" traces the career of two ambitious enarques. To be seen at the Théâtre de la Contrescarpe until March 30, 2025.

Hijacking and politicizing everyday objects: the unusual exhibition at Ground Control

Both playful and political, Ground Control's new exhibition, running from January 22 to March 30 2025, seeks to explain how simple everyday objects can become symbols of struggle for a people.
Frédéric Mitterrand, ancien ministre de la Culture, est décédéFrédéric Mitterrand, ancien ministre de la Culture, est décédéFrédéric Mitterrand, ancien ministre de la Culture, est décédéFrédéric Mitterrand, ancien ministre de la Culture, est décédé

Frédéric Mitterrand, former Minister of Culture, has died

Frédéric Mitterrand, emblematic figure of culture and former minister under Nicolas Sarkozy, died on March 21, 2024 at the age of 76, following an aggressive illness. A look back at the career of a man deeply passionate about Culture, in the broadest sense of the term.
Visuels musée et monument - Assemblée NationaleVisuels musée et monument - Assemblée NationaleVisuels musée et monument - Assemblée NationaleVisuels musée et monument - Assemblée Nationale

Free guided tours for children at the National Assembly

Having already opened its doors to the public, the National Assembly continues to invite citizens to discover this mecca of democracy, from an early age, with a dedicated children's trail!
Décès de Silvio Berlusconi, ancien Président du Conseil italien, à 86 ansDécès de Silvio Berlusconi, ancien Président du Conseil italien, à 86 ansDécès de Silvio Berlusconi, ancien Président du Conseil italien, à 86 ansDécès de Silvio Berlusconi, ancien Président du Conseil italien, à 86 ans

Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian Prime Minister, dies aged 86

Silvio Berlusconi, former Italian Prime Minister and multimillionaire entrepreneur, nicknamed "il Cavaliere", died on Monday June 12, 2023 at the age of 86. We take a look back at the life of a man who left his mark on Italian history, from his business career to his controversial political career and the many scandals that marked his life.
Assemblée NationaleAssemblée NationaleAssemblée NationaleAssemblée Nationale

The National Assembly opens its doors to the general public free of charge during guided tours

The National Assembly is finally open to the general public outside the Heritage Days, thanks to exceptional guided tours, from October 29, 2022. Discover the heart of French democracy, free of charge!
150 ans de la Commune de Paris : Retour sur l’histoire de l’insurrection parisienne150 ans de la Commune de Paris : Retour sur l’histoire de l’insurrection parisienne150 ans de la Commune de Paris : Retour sur l’histoire de l’insurrection parisienne150 ans de la Commune de Paris : Retour sur l’histoire de l’insurrection parisienne

The Paris Commune: A look back at the history of the Paris uprising

For 72 days, from March 18 to May 28, 1871, Parisians rebelled against the government and took unprecedented social and solidarity measures. This was the Paris Commune. A look back at the history of this major Parisian uprising.
Théâtre du PouvoirThéâtre du PouvoirThéâtre du PouvoirThéâtre du Pouvoir

Power Plays, the exhibition at Petite Galerie of the Louvre museum

From September 27, 2017 to July 2, 2018, the Petite Galerie of the Louvre Museum offers an exhibition called Power Plays that returns to the connections between art and political power through History.