Video mapping - activities

Monument américain meauxMonument américain meauxMonument américain meauxMonument américain meaux

Meaux: video-mapping and original light show on the town's American monument

On Friday September 20, the city of Meaux will illuminate the American monument with an exclusive video mapping projection, free of charge.
Les Nocturnes de l'Impressionnisme - IMG 0312Les Nocturnes de l'Impressionnisme - IMG 0312Les Nocturnes de l'Impressionnisme - IMG 0312Les Nocturnes de l'Impressionnisme - IMG 0312

Les Nocturnes de l'Impressionnisme: free video mapping projections in Argenteuil

To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Impressionism, the town of Argenteuil is offering free night-time entertainment on April 12 and 13, 2024, with a lively, immersive video mapping of paintings by Monet, Caillebotte and Renoir.
flamme soldat inconnu Arc de Triompheflamme soldat inconnu Arc de Triompheflamme soldat inconnu Arc de Triompheflamme soldat inconnu Arc de Triomphe

November 11: centenary of the flame of remembrance and video mapping on the Arc de Triomphe

November 11, 2023 marks not only the Armistice of the First World War, but also the centenary of the flame of remembrance beneath the Arc de Triomphe. For an exceptional commemoration, come to the end of the Champs-Elysées.