Charlotte Campana's La Femme Bocale, directed by Laura Ghazal, combines humor, self-mockery and emotion at Théâtre Le Bout in Paris, from September 19, 2024 to January 30, 2025.
After a first season in Paris and an acclaimed run at the Avignon Festival, plunge into Hinde's wacky universe with "Fille Unique", a one-girl show as sparkling as it is tangy. This modern fairy tale, full of self-mockery and song, will awaken the inner child in all of us. An ideal outing to share with friends, family or colleagues to brighten up your Thursday evenings!
Toutankhamon et le Scarabée d'Or, the children's show directed by Alexandre Delimoges based on the work by Martin Leloup, returns to Théâtre Le Bout until January 4, 2025.
La Princesse au Petit Pois dans la Tête, a play for children aged 3 to 10, returns to Théâtre Le Bout for over 20 years, until January 5, 2025! In this story, based on the work by Martin Leloup, the ogre prepares a great mechoui and wants to capture as many children as possible. The Princess would rather talk nonsense and eat candy with the children than run away, and it's the Princess-loving dentist who saves them!