In this hybrid show, Charlotte Campana plays a 21st-century woman struggling with the big questions of modern life: feminine pleasure, motherhood, death and much more. With a style that combines trash with poetry, Charlotte Campana plunges us into a world of wry humor and deep existential reflection.
Under the direction of Laura Ghazal, La Femme Bocale tells the story of a woman who "agitates her jar" to understand her place in the world. Pleasures, anxieties and disillusions are examined with a great dose of self-mockery. Through situations that are sometimes absurd, sometimes poignant, the character explores universal themes with a view that is both tender and disillusioned. The show moves between dream and nightmare, in an inner storm where everything seems to be called into question.
This show will appeal to audiences sensitive to works in which humor serves as a catalyst for deep emotion. Fans of intimate plays such as Je suis Top! or Les Chatouilles will probably appreciate this experience. The strength of La Femme Bocale lies in its raw yet touching approach to women's struggles, offering both food for laughter and food for thought. A must-see for anyone looking to get off the beaten track of contemporary theater.
Join us every Thursday at Théâtre Le Bout for this unique plunge into the jar of a boiling life!
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L'organisateur offre 1x2 places pour découvrir le spectacle La Femme Bocale de Charlotte Campana au Théâtre Le Bout le jeudi 23 janvier 2025 à 19h45.
Dates and Opening Time
From September 19, 2024 to February 20, 2025
Théâtre le Bout
6 Rue Frochot
75009 Paris 9
Average duration
1 h
Official website
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