Westfield Carré Sénart

Category: Magasins

Practical information

3 Allée du Préambule
77127 Lieusaint

Route planner

Past events

Cité Immersive Viking  - IMG 5346Cité Immersive Viking  - IMG 5346Cité Immersive Viking  - IMG 5346Cité Immersive Viking  - IMG 5346

La Cité Immersive Viking: the historical experience arrives at Westfield Carré Sénart (77)

Immerse yourself in the Viking era in France with an immersive, sensory experience, starting December 20, 2024, at the Westfield Carré Sénart, featuring sound and light shows, sets and artifact displays.
Coronavirus : les Championnats de France de judo annulésCoronavirus : les Championnats de France de judo annulésCoronavirus : les Championnats de France de judo annulésCoronavirus : les Championnats de France de judo annulés

Introduction to judo and meeting with Kilian Le Blouch and Shirine Boukli at Westfield Carré Sénart

Would you like to try out judo for a weekend? The Westfield Carré Sénart shopping center is organizing introductions and meetings with athletes Kilian Le Blouch and Shirine Boukli, on March 30 and 31, 2024.
Olympic Party #2 : Concerts pop-rock et initiations au skate et breakdance au Skatepark de BercyOlympic Party #2 : Concerts pop-rock et initiations au skate et breakdance au Skatepark de BercyOlympic Party #2 : Concerts pop-rock et initiations au skate et breakdance au Skatepark de BercyOlympic Party #2 : Concerts pop-rock et initiations au skate et breakdance au Skatepark de Bercy

Two free photo exhibitions on breaking and skateboarding at Westfield Carré Sénart (77)

Ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the Westfield Carré Sénart shopping center is presenting two sports-related exhibitions, accessible free of charge, until June. On the program: skateboarding and breaking!
Coronavirus : Faire du sport avec les enfants, à la maisonCoronavirus : Faire du sport avec les enfants, à la maisonCoronavirus : Faire du sport avec les enfants, à la maisonCoronavirus : Faire du sport avec les enfants, à la maison

Olympic Games 2024: free sporting events in some of the region's shopping centers

This year, everyone is gearing up for the sporting event that is sure to mark this decade in Paris: the Olympic and Paralympic Games promise great spectacle, wild sporting performances, millions of tourists in the capital and, above all, lots and lots of sport. That's why some Westfield shopping centers in the Paris region are going into "Olympic Games" mode, with free programming throughout January.