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· Published on October 17, 2020 at 04:38 p.m.
Did you know? 101,086,173 visits have been made on Sortiraparis this year, now 1st French regional guide in Médiamétrie ranking!
How has Sortiraparis accompanied the tourism industry despite this exceptional context?
- By being the only media to continuously relieving their thorough professional partners, from strict health measures to committed cultural actions during this period.
- By adapting their outing contents to the priority respect of health pressing needs, while continuously scanning the countless openings and closures that occurred this year.
- Especially by guaranteeing an independent editorial policy in order to serve our 50 million readers in 2020 with pictures, and discoveries we want to be authentic.
We have been helping our readers and their relatives make long-lasting memories since 2002.
This is why 101,086,173 visits have been made on Sortiraparis this year, now 1st French regional guide in Médiamétrie ranking.