The animated film Tous en Scène 2, directed by Garth Jennings, is brought to you by Illumination Studios. Known for such hits as Moi, Moche et Méchant, Les Minions and Comme des Bêtes, they return with a captivating musical adventure. This Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 9:10pm on TF1, get ready to meet Buster Moon and his troupe of talented animals in an even more grandiose show.
In the original version, famous voices such as Bono, Scarlett Johansson and Reese Witherspoon bring these endearing characters to life. The French version is no exception, with the likes of Jenifer, Lola Dubini, Camille Combal, Gérard Lanvin and Laurent Gerra lending their voices, enriching the experience.
The New Moon Theatre, under the leadership of Buster and his troupe, has become a major concert venue. The ambition is growing: to conquer the stage of the prestigious Crystal Tower in Redshore City. Between Rosita, the overworked pig, Ash, the rocking porcupine, Johnny, the tender-hearted gorilla, Meena, the shy elephant, and Gunter, the exuberant pig, the team is ready to take on any challenge. But convincing Jimmy Crystal, ruthless tycoon of Crystal Entertainment, requires a major coup: promising the participation of Clay Calloway, a rock legend who has disappeared from the scene. A quest that will take Buster far beyond the glitterati, revealing that music can mend the most damaged of hearts.
The film shines with its eclectic musical selection, including hits byAlicia Keys, System of a Down, Eminem, and U2, promising moments of pure aural bliss across all musical genres.
Tous en Scène 2 is not only a technical feat of animation, but also a hymn to perseverance, friendship and the power of music. A not-to-be-missed family event that promises laughter, emotion and an unforgettable soundtrack.
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