For La Ferme à Gégé, his first film as a director, documentary filmmaker Florent Verdet focuses on an unusual figure in Normandy, farmer Gégé, known in his village for the activities he organizes on his farm with children from the suburbs. The film is due in cinemas on February 8.
Gégé is a very special farmer. To escape bankruptcy, he opened his farm to children from the suburbs and became a virtuoso pedagogue for decades. The feature film focuses on the end of his career, the difficult moment of his last group of children, and the moment of handing over, before moving on. Florent Verdet offers a rare point of view in this lovely film.
We discover the portrait of a real character, who deserves to be known, while not omitting to describe the difficult reality of today's farmers. The man has worked all his life, and his children have suffered as a result, and the end of his career is caused by his landlord, who evicts him. A touching portrait, which would have been better suited to television than cinema,
February 2025 cinema releases: Films and times near you
Discover all the films in theaters in February 2025 with showtimes near you. Don't miss a single movie! [Read more]Cinema: which film to see today, this Sunday December 22, 2024?
Not sure which film to see today? Well, we've got plenty of films to show near you. [Read more]