Joy Ride is an irresistible comedy directed by Adele Lim, best known for her work on Crazy Rich Asians. The film brings together an explosive trio of actresses, Ashley Park, Sherry Cola and Stephanie Hsu, who play friends embarked on a whirlwind adventure in China. When Audrey, adopted at an early age, decides to set off in search of her biological mother, she brings along her closest friends: Lolo, an eccentric artist, Kat, a star of Chinese soap operas, and Deadeye, Lolo's eccentric cousin. What was supposed to be a serious and moving journey quickly becomes a succession of hilarious and unexpected adventures.
Joy Ride will be available on Prime Video from December 5, 2024.
Synopsis: Audrey asks her childhood friend Lolo, her former roommate Kat, now a star of Chinese soap operas, and Lolo's eccentric cousin Deux de Tens' to accompany her to China in search of her biological mother. But their trip turns into the craziest of experiences, and the young women are in for one wild ride after another!
Joy Ride will appeal to fans of contemporary comedies, sincere and wacky stories of friendship and multicultural narratives. If you've enjoyed films like Crazy Rich Asians or Very Bad Trip, you'll find a mix of uninhibited humor and touching emotion here.
The film is distinguished by its balance between moments of pure comedy and a subtle reflection on the search for identity. Through the character of Audrey, Joy Ride explores the challenges of adoption and the search for one's roots, while relying on hilarious group dynamics and improbable situations.
Directed by Adele Lim, co-writer of Crazy Rich Asians, Joy Ride is a tribute to female friendship and cultural differences. The screenplay, written by Cherry Chevapravatdumrong and Teresa Hsiao, blends absurdist humor with more universal themes such as belonging and family.
The cast is led by Ashley Park, who made a name for herself in Emily in Paris, Stephanie Hsu, Oscar-nominated for her role in Everything Everywhere All At Once, and Sherry Cola, known for her participation in Good Trouble. Their on-screen chemistry lends boundless energy to this comedy, rich in adventure and delicious dialogue.
With its mix of offbeat humor and profound reflections on identity and friendship, Joy Ride promises a funny and moving adventure. Between moments of madness and moments of tenderness, this comedy invites us to celebrate cultural diversity and human bonds in all their complexities.
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