A car, a bomb and Liam Neeson having to protect his children from probable death - that's the tension-filled program of Retribution, Nimród Antal's new film, due in cinemas on August 23.
In addition to Liam Neeson, the cast also includes Jack Champion and Lilly Aspell as the children, also trapped in their father's car, manipulated by a mysterious criminal intent on blackmailing him for a large sum of money. As usual, Liam Neeson is back in a muscular thriller in an uncomfortable situation, to say the least. Retribution is the remake ofAppel Inconnu, a Spanish film from 2015.
Our verdict
The good thing about Retribution is that its synopsis fits on a post-it note, leaving plenty of room for the action to unfold. Liam Neeson plays Matt Turner, a businessman on his way to work, as he does every morning. But this time, two major details change his daily routine: firstly, he has decided to take his children to school, and secondly, a bomb hidden under his seat will explode if anyone gets out of the car. The unknown assailant who booby-trapped the car soon makes contact with Turner, and orders him to perform a series of actions throughout the day or the bomb will detonate... killing him and his family.
In the long list of action films starring Liam Neeson - a veritable genre in its own right - Retribution would tend to illustrate the top of the heap. Short, effective and full of tension, it's easy to get caught up in a far-fetched scenario where, as is often the case in action films, simple communication solves all problems. However, Liam Neeson is at his best as a panicked family man. And even if he's a little too old to be totally believable, it works. His terror is palpable and infectious. Nevertheless, the resolution is disappointing.
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