Much to the delight of Japanese animated film fans, the cinematic event of the beginning of the year revolves around the iconic Nicky Larson City Hunter anime, set in the vibrant urban landscape of Tokyo. The new feature, entitled Angel Dust, hits the big screen on January 24, 2024, featuring the famous art thieves, the Cat's Eye, as a complement to the endearing comic duo of Nicky Larson and Laura.
The plot promises suspense, action and revelations. Nicky Larson and Laura are hired by a beautiful young woman named Angie to find her lost cat. However, their investigation takes an unexpected turn when Tokyo police lieutenant Hélène informs them of a new technology called theAngel Dust. It has the power to transform soldiers into supermen. A major complication: the irresistible Cat's Eye burglars also take a keen interest in the case.
A major asset of this new opus lies in the feature that contributed to the popularity of the original series: the French dubbing. Indeed, the emblematic voices of the French version return to revive the authenticity and nostalgic flavor of the work.
Beyond the suspense of the plot and the humor of the characters, perhaps the most thrilling element of Nicky Larson City Hunter: Angel Dust is the exploration of Nicky's own past. These discoveries promise to take a fresh look at this fan-beloved character, offering new depth to his complex personality.
All in all, whether you're a devoted fan since the early 90s or a neophyte curious to delve into the iconic Japanese animation, Nicky Larson City Hunter: Angel Dust offers a cinema release that's sure to provide plenty of entertainment. Die-hard fans are gearing up to welcome this new anime with enthusiasm and passion as tickets fill up fast.
Set for January 24, 2024, the release date of this new anime promises to be the cultural highlight of the New Year. A must for all lovers of Japanese cinema and anime.
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