Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, adapted from the manga by Koyoharu Gotoge, has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. The series, which tells the story of Tanjiro, a boy determined to avenge his family slaughtered by demons and restore his humanity to his sister Nezuko, the sole survivor, premiered in April 2019. Produced by ufotable, this work quickly climbed the ladder of popularity, accumulating an impressive number of fans and positive reviews.
The cinematic event, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - On the Road to Pillar Training, scheduled only for February 24 and 25, 2024, promises to be a must-see for fans of the series. Fans will have the opportunity to see episode 11 of The Village of the Blacksmiths and the beginning of the Pillar Training arc on the big screen, promising breathtaking moments and battle scenes.
The exceptional screening on February 24 atUGC Normandie in Paris is particularly eagerly awaited, as it will feature such distinguished Japanese guests as Natsuki Hanae, the voice of Tanjiro, producer Yuma Takahashi, and a musical performance by milet. This exclusive screening will enable fans to dive even deeper into the Demon Slayer universe and enjoy a unique experience.
The Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba series is an ever-growing global phenomenon. With over 150 million copies of the manga sold and an animated adaptation acclaimed by critics and audiences alike, the story of Tanjiro and Nezuko continues to captivate and inspire. This special event is the perfect opportunity for French fans to come together and share their passion for this moving story of determination, courage and brotherhood.
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Dates and Opening Time
From February 24, 2024 to February 25, 2024
UGC Normandie
116 bis avenue des Champs Elysées
75008 Paris 8