Enzo, the Crocodile, an animated film by the dynamic duo Will Speck and Josh Gordon, is a family comedy that blends humor, music and adventure in the heart of New York City. The film explores the misadventures of a young boy and his unlikely friend: a singing crocodile. With such a singular premise, the film promises an entertaining experience for children and their parents alike.
The plot ofEnzo, the Crocodile revolves around Josh Primm, a young boy who moves to New York and struggles to adapt to his new school environment. His life takes an unexpected turn when he discovers Enzo, a crocodile unlike any other who resides in the attic of his home. Enzo is no ordinary crocodile: he loves to sing, take relaxing baths and feast on caviar. Their budding friendship is put to the test when their malevolent neighbor, Mr. Grumps, threatens to reveal Enzo's existence to the world. With the help of Hector P. Valenti, Enzo's eccentric owner, Josh and his family set out to defend their new friend and prove that it's possible to welcome such an exceptional member into their home.
Aimed primarily at families and young children, Enzo the Crocodile is an entertaining film that is sure to arouse the curiosity and imagination of viewers. The musical element, combined with Enzo's anthropomorphism, adds a touch of magic that enriches this comedy. The film tackles universal themes such as acceptance, friendship and the ability to adapt to new environments, while offering an original vision of life in the metropolis with a crocodile as companion.
Enzo, le Croco is a celebration ofacceptance of others, no matter what our differences. With its imminent release on Prime Video, this film is ready to conquer hearts with its charming story and catchy melodies. Prepare to be amazed by Enzo's musical adventures in New York, and discover how a young boy and a singing crocodile can change the world in their own way.
Official trailer of the movie Enzo, the Crocodile (2022) :
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