Paul Feig, the director behind such memorable action comedies as The Gunslingers and Spy, returns with a promising new film: JACKPOT! This action-comedy features Awkwafina and John Cena in a thrilling adventure. Awkwafina, known for her roles in Crazy Rich Asians and Jumanji: Next Level, plays Katie, an ordinary woman who mistakenly ends up with a winning lottery ticket with deadly consequences. John Cena, star of The Suicide Squad and Fast & Furious 9, plays Noel Cassidy, an amateur lottery protection agent determined to protect her. The film is written by Rob Yescombe, promising an explosive mix of laughs and action.
In the near future, California introduces a "big lottery" with a fatal catch: the winner must survive until sunset to hit the jackpot, while being targeted by bounty hunters. Katie Kim (Awkwafina), recently relocated to Los Angeles, mistakenly wins the lottery. To survive, she teams up with Noel Cassidy (John Cena), an amateur lottery protection agent, who promises to protect her until sundown in exchange for a share of the jackpot. However, they must face Louis Lewis (Simu Liu), a rival determined to collect Katie's commission at any cost. JACKPOT! promises an adventure full of suspense and twists, with an unexpectedly dynamic comic duo.
JACKPOT! is aimed at fans of action comedies, especially those who have enjoyed films such as Les Flingueuses, Spy or The Suicide Squad. The combination of Awkwafina and John Cena as a never-before-seen comedy duo should appeal to a wide audience, thanks to their talents for humor and action. The deadly lottery concept adds a touch of originality and suspense that sets JACKPOT! apart from other action comedies. Fans of Paul Feig's work should find his trademark blend of humor and well-orchestrated action scenes.
JACKPOT! directed by Paul Feig and starring Awkwafina and John Cena, promises to be a must-see action comedy of the summer. With its unique plot about a deadly lottery and an explosive comedy duo, this film promises to deliver moments of laughter and suspense. Premiering on Prime Video on August 15, 2024, JACKPOT! is a must-see for action-comedy fans.
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