Melissa Etheridge: I'm Not Broken is a poignant documentary series that tells an inspiring story of healing and transcendence through the power of music. Directed by Brian Morrow and Amy Scott, this Paramount+ exclusive series will be available from July 10, 2024. It stars Melissa Etheridge, who, after losing her son to opioids, reaches out to incarcerated women to understand and interrupt the cycle of addiction.
The documentary follows Melissa Etheridge as she receives letters from five residents of the Topeka Correctional Facility, a women's prison in Kansas. Inspired by these letters, Etheridge creates and performs an original song for the women. Having recently lost her son to opioids, Etheridge uses this personal experience to understand the challenges of addiction and to offer a message of hope and redemption. The series explores themes of women's incarceration, redemption, addiction, generational trauma, grief and healing. With a 700% increase in the rate of female incarceration since 1980, Etheridge uses music as a tool of empathy, understanding and hope for these women often forgotten by society.
Melissa Etheridge: I'm Not Broken is for those interested in inspiring documentaries and stories of redemption and healing. The series stands out for its unique approach, combining music with deeply moving life stories. Viewers who have enjoyed documentaries such as 13th and Miss Americana will find Melissa Etheridge: I'm Not Broken a rich and emotional exploration of the challenges of addiction and women's incarceration. The series offers a unique and moving perspective on the transformative power of music.
Melissa Etheridge: I'm Not Broken is a moving and inspiring documentary series that explores healing and redemption through the power of music. Available on Paramount+ from July 10, 2024, the series offers a deep dive into the lives of incarcerated women and the challenges they face. Whether you're a fan of Melissa Etheridge or looking for stories of resilience and transformation, Melissa Etheridge: I'm Not Broken promises to touch and inspire you.
Paramount +: new films and series for July 2024
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