Director Carlos Saldanha, accustomed to animated hits such as Ice Age 2 and Rio, this time tackles a live-action film combining fantasy and family comedy. Harold and the Magic Pencil, adapted from a classic children's book, tells the story of a young man, Harold, who is able to bring his drawings to life using a magic purple pencil. Zachary Levi plays the lead role, alongside Zooey Deschanel and Lil Rel Howery, in a fantasy-filled adventure where imagination becomes reality. This film, a cross between fantasy and comedy, promises to captivate young and old alike.
Harold and the Magic Pencil will open in cinemas on October 16, 2024.
Synopsis: When he's a character in his book, daredevil Harold can bring anything to life with a simple stroke of his magic purple pencil. As an adult, Harold decides to draw himself out of his book and into the real world, where he discovers he has so much to learn about life and our world. What's more, his trusty purple pencil could trigger situations far funnier than he ever imagined. When his magic pencil and the unlimited powers it contains fall into the wrong hands, it will take all the creativity of Harold and his friends to save both his world and the real one.
Harold and the Magic Pencil is aimed above all at families, and especially at young viewers fascinated by the power of imagination. The film plays on the idea that dreams and artistic creations can come to life, creating a fantastic universe where Harold's drawings interact with the real world. The concept is reminiscent of films like Blue & Company and Night at the Museum, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary. This blend of family comedy and magic also echoes films such as Le Petit Nicolas and Paddington, where humor and emotion come together. The film's originality lies in the way it explores creative power through the character of Harold, while tackling themes such as self-discovery and friendship.
With Harold and the Magic Pencil, Carlos Saldanha offers us a fantastic adventure, full of humor and magic, where imagination can literally change the course of things. Thanks to an engaging cast, led by Zachary Levi, and a script that perfectly blends the fantastic with the everyday, this film promises to seduce audiences of all ages. See you in cinemas on October 16, 2024 to discover this story where every pencil stroke can become reality.
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