The groundbreaking documentary series Kerviel: Un Trader, 50 Milliards looks back at the Jérôme Kerviel affair and the colossal loss of 4.9 billion euros suffered by Société Générale in 2008. Directed by Fred Garson, this 4-part 45-minute series takes viewers behind the scenes of an unprecedented financial scandal. Through exclusive testimonials and an immersive mise-en-scène, this documentary explores the complexity of a case that shook the financial and legal world.
Kerviel : Un Trader, 50 Milliards is broadcast on Max from November 29, 2024.
Synopsis: ***
On January 24, 2008, Société Générale announced a loss of 4.9 billion euros, attributed to one man: Jérôme Kerviel, a young trader. This documentary series retraces the shock of this announcement, the bank's attempts to limit the damage and the legal saga that followed. Through interviews with key figures such as former Société Générale employees and executives, journalists and political experts, Kerviel: Un Trader, 50 Milliards takes an in-depth look at the affair and the moral dilemmas surrounding it.
The series is aimed at fans of financial documentaries, courtroom dramas and those interested in the behind-the-scenes aspects of major business deals. Kerviel: Un Trader, 50 Milliards takes a fresh look at an often opaque financial system, questioning individual responsibility in a complex global environment. By recounting a key event in modern finance, the series could captivate both economics enthusiasts and viewers interested in realistic thrillers based on real events.
Produced by Grand Angle Productions with the participation of Jérôme Kerviel himself, the documentary features never-before-seen testimonials from key players in the affair, including Société Générale executives and political figures such as François Hollande. The series should stand out for its documentary rigor and cinematic mise-en-scene, a commitment asserted by director Véra Peltekian and producer Jean-Louis Perez.
Kerviel: Un Trader, 50 Milliards promises to be a landmark documentary on one of the greatest financial affairs of our time. Through an immersive approach and exclusive testimonials, this series will captivate both fans of financial tales and fans of spectacular news stories.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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