Queen Woo, a new historical series from South Korea, is set to captivate viewers with its ambitious and poignant tale. Created by Lee Byoung-hak and directed by Jung Se-kyo, this production stars Jeon Jong-seo, Kim Moo-yul and Ji Chang-Wook, all well-known figures in Korean cinema. Set in the tumultuous Goguryeo era, the series follows the rise of Woo Hee, an exceptional woman who, amid fierce power struggles, achieved the feat of becoming queen twice over.
Combining political intrigue, epic battles and human drama, this series promises an immersive dive into one of the most fascinating chapters in Korean history.
Queen Woo will air on Paramount+ from December 23, 2024. All episodes of the first season will be available at launch.
Synopsis: On the death of King Ko Nam Moo, the ninth king of the Goguryeo region, a fierce battle breaks out between the tribes of the late king's brothers for the throne. At the center of this chaos, Queen Woo Hee becomes the first woman in history to reign twice.
Queen Woo will appeal to fans of historical dramas rich in political intrigue, and to fans of Korean series such as The Crowned Clown or Mr. Sunshine. The mix of historical facts and strong characters should appeal to a wide audience, especially fans of stories centered on powerful female figures.
The series stands out for its unusual setting in the ancient Goguryeo region, rarely explored on screen, and for its heroine with an exceptional destiny. Viewers looking for a series with modern intrigue or fantastical elements may be less attracted to this resolutely historical tale.
With just eight episodes, Queen Woo promises a tight, intense narrative, favoring key moments and twists and turns. Jeon Jong-seo, noted for her roles in Burning and Money Heist: Korea, plays Queen Woo Hee, bringing her captivating presence to this central role. The series also benefits from high-quality production, true to the reputation of great Korean dramas.
Queen Woo promises to be a must-see series for fans of historical narratives and political dramas. With its ambitious direction, unforgettable heroine and the fascinating historical context of Goguryeo, it promises a striking visual and narrative experience.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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