In a global context marked by geopolitical tensions, music presents itself as a universal language. as1one, a four-part documentary series, explores this idea by following the creation of the first Israeli-Palestinian pop group. Produced by Ken Levitan, James Diener, and Ami Nir, this ambitious project traces five years of artistic, personal and political challenges.
From the first audition in 2020 to intense rehearsals, language barriers and the momentous events of October 7, 2023, the series reveals the struggles and triumphs of the six band members. More than just a musical project, as1one becomes a symbol of hope and resilience in a time of crisis.
as1one will be available on Paramount+ from December 4, 2024. All episodes of this documentary series will be available from launch.
Synopsis: Throughout this fascinating four-part documentary series, music, the ultimate connector, is explored in the creation of the world's first Israeli-Palestinian pop group. Over the course of five years, the band members share their highs and lows, including the difficult audition process in 2020, language barriers, intense rehearsals and the emotional and political challenges that marked their journey.
as1one is aimed at an audience in search of strong, inspiring human stories, where art becomes a vehicle for social change. Fans of music documentaries such as The Defiant Ones or 20 Feet from Stardom will appreciate the depth of the personal stories and the intensity of the collective challenges. The series will also appeal to those interested in pop culture and cross-cultural dynamics.
What sets as1one apart is its unique context and universal message: in a divided world, music has the power to unite. For viewers unfamiliar with the issues surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this series offers a nuanced perspective through the prism of music and human experience.
Produced by influential industry figures such as Ken Levitan and Bruce Gillmer, the series benefits from immersive storytelling and exclusive behind-the-scenes access to the band's creation. as1one documents not only the rehearsals and recordings, but also the impact of world events on these artists who embody a message of unity.
With as1one, Paramount+ offers much more than a music documentary: a reflection on resilience and hope in a context of conflict. This captivating and moving project shows that, despite differences, music can be a powerful unifying force.
This article is based on information available online; we have not yet viewed the film or series mentioned.
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