Tomb Raider: Crystal Dynamics unveils first image of upcoming opus

Published by Laurent de Sortiraparis, Cécile de Sortiraparis · Published on February 19, 2024 at 04:36 p.m.
Crystal Dynamics has unveiled a first glimpse of its forthcoming Tomb Raider opus, "the best and most expansive of all the Tomb Raider games" according to studio head Scot Amos. The game will run under Unreal Engine 5. We take stock!

WillLara Croft soon be back in a new Tomb Raider? That's what Crystal Dynamics, historic developer of the franchise, announced at the State of Unreal keynote, held on April 5, 2022, when it said it was working on a new episode of the saga that would run on Unreal Engine 5.

" Crystal Dynamics is proud to participate in the launch of Unreal Engine 5. This new engine brings a new level of storytelling to the gaming experience ," explained Dallas Dickinson, General Manager of the Tomb Raider franchise. And that's why we're delighted to announce today that we've just begun development of our next Tomb Raider game powered by the Unreal Engine 5 ". An engine that will also deliver a "high-quality cinematic action-adventure experience ", according to Dallas Dickinson.

As for the game itself, a first glimpse was unveiled on Friday February 16, 2024 by Crystal Dynamics, on the official Tomb Raider website (via a riddle to be solved). The preview is shown below. However, no official title, story or release date has been given. In a press release published on December 15, 2022, the development studio promised " environments that emphasize exploration and puzzle-solving, with ingenious puzzles and a wide variety of enemies to take down. "

Tomb Raider : une première image dévoilée par Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider : une première image dévoilée par Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider : une première image dévoilée par Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider : une première image dévoilée par Crystal Dynamics

On the other hand, Crystal Dynamics has confirmed that the next title will continue the story of Lara Croft, and will be linked to Shadow of the Tomb Raider, released in 2018. However, it is unclear whether the future game will be a direct sequel or not. In the same press release, Crystal Dynamics announced a partnership with Amazon Games, a deal that should create " the best and most expansive Tomb Raider game ever! "

We'll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, let's get back to Tomb Raider I-III Remastered. On your sticks!

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