Assortickets: to put an end to loneliness on your outings

Published by Communiqué Sponsorisé · Published on September 13, 2024 at 12:00 p.m.
Assortickets is a new application designed to put an end to loneliness on cultural and sporting outings. Whether you like theater, concerts, cinema or sporting events, Assortickets lets you meet people with similar interests. With a simple, intuitive user experience, this app is for anyone who wants to enjoy their passions in good company, without pressure or ambiguity. The new app to try out! Sign up now.

Pre-register, organize YOUR outings and meet people like YOU

Launch imminent: Only those who have pre-registered on the site will be able to test the beta version of the application before its official launch, scheduled for before the end of the month. What's more, registrants will receive 2 months free as a Pathfinder, with the option of organizing their own outings.

Assortickets, a "made in France" application, available by the end of the month, dedicated to meeting and connecting people around their shared interests, in all good honor.

There are times in life when everything changes. That's what happened to Mathieu Pauchard, founder of Assortickets, when he got divorced at the age of 40. Suddenly confronted with loneliness, he felt embarrassed to go out alone, whether to the theater or to any of the other activities he loved so much. Most of his friends were couples, or lived far away; he often found himself isolated, frustrated at not being able to share his outings and passions.

This frustration gave rise to an idea: the Assortickets cultural dating app.

A solution for all enthusiasts

Assortickets is for all those who, like Mathieu, love going out but no longer want to experience these moments alone. Theater, cinema, concerts, exhibitions, sporting events: everything is more vibrant when you share these experiences with someone who feels the same passion. Assortickets makes it possible, with no pressure, no ulterior motives, just to experience authentic, enriching moments.

How does Assortickets work?

Registering with Assortickets is simple and intuitive. When you register, you choose up to three areas of interest from a wide selection(theater, concerts, exhibitions, etc.). The application then suggests outings corresponding to these preferences, enabling you to meet people who share the same passions.

Depending on the subscription you choose, the possibilities vary:

  • With afree subscription(Profil Veilleur), you're invited to join outings that appeal to you and are initiated by other users.
  • With apaid subscription, (Profil Eclaireur), you have the freedom toinitiate your own outings and find your outing partner.

Want to find out more? Follow us on Instagram@assortickets to discover our latest news and features!

A tried and tested application

To ensure the best possible experience, Assortickets is currently being tested with selected users. Thanks to their feedback, the application is continually being perfected. The objective is clear: to deliver a flawless user experience for the official launch scheduled for the end of September.

Don't be alone with your passions

Mathieu created Assortickets so that no one would feel the way he did. Whether you're frustrated by going out alone, or just want to meet like-minded people, this is the app for you. Imagine going to see a concert or a play, but this time accompanied by someone who vibrates to the same rhythm as you. No more wondering who's available, or canceling an outing for lack of companions. Your passions deserve company, and Assortickets helps you find it.

An imminent launch

The wait is coming to an end. Before long, Assortickets will be available in the stores in its latest beta version. Only those registered on the website will be able to test it before its official launch. What's more, they'll get 2 months free as a Pathfinder (paid subscription), enabling them to organize their own outings and invite other users to join in.

Don't miss this unique opportunity and register now
to be among the first to discover Assortickets.

Assortickets is much more than a dating app, it's a concrete response to loneliness and a way to live out your passions with others. With a launch scheduled before the end of September, now is the perfect time to sign up and be among the first to enjoy this unique experience. You'll never have to go out alone again!

Practical information

Official website

Instagram page

More information
Free subscription for the Watcher profile Paid subscription for the Pathfinder profile During the beta period, the Pathfinder profile will be free for 2 months.

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