The manga"Mashle", published in France since April 2021 by Crunchyroll, follows the adventures of Mash Burnedead, a young man without magical powers in a world where they are indispensable. Compensating for his lack of magic with impressive physical strength, Mash has a notable weakness for cream puffs. To mark the conclusion of this captivating series with volume 18, Crunchyroll has teamed up with Cédric Grolet, renowned for his avant-garde pastry creations, to create a cream puff representative of the"Mashle" universe. Available exclusively on March 9 and 10 at the Cedric Grolet Opéra boutique, this limited-edition pastry promises to be a unique taste experience for fans.
"Mashle", originally published between 2020 and 2023 in Shueisha'sWeekly Shônen Jump magazine in Japan, totals 18 volumes. The captivating story of Mash, raised in a forest and forced to hide his inability to use magic on pain of death, has won over a wide audience. His determination to survive by enrolling at Easton, a renowned magic academy, to become the best student there without using magic, has been a source of inspiration for many readers.
In terms of flavors, Cedric Grolet has opted for an exquisite, refined combination, featuring roasted vanilla and an almond praline. The roasting of the vanilla enhances its aromatic power, guaranteeing a lingering taste on the palate, while the almond praliné adds richness and depth to the creation. This alliance of flavors is perfectly in line with Cédric Grolet's philosophy, where each element is chosen and prepared with the utmost care to create a memorable taste experience.
This special chou does more than seduce with its aromas; its manufacture itself evokes the art of Japanese pastry-making, notably through the use of a choux pastry inside, reminiscent of the techniques and textures appreciated in Japanese desserts. The visual aspect of the pastry, true to Grolet's reputation, plays on thetrompe-l'œil effect, a signature of the chef that never fails to amaze and delight. This chou is not only a delight for the taste buds, but also for the eyes, reflecting once again the chef's talent for fusing art and gastronomy.
Priced at €17, this cream puff is the least expensive of the delights available from Cedric Grolet, making this culinary experience all the more accessible. This price, considered a bargain for admirers of Grolet's work, underlines the objective of this initiative: to celebrate Mashle by sharing with as many people as possible a piece of culinary magic, inspired by the world of manga and carried by the chef's mastery and creativity.
The cabbage created by Cédric Grolet is not just a tribute to this iconic series; it's also an invitation to discover the flavors that might represent the spirit of Mashle. Fans will have the unique opportunity to savor a dessert that captures the essence of a manga that has left a lasting impression, while celebrating the end of an era with the departure of Mash Burnedead. This collaboration between Crunchyroll and Cédric Grolet underlines the growing influence of manga culture in various fields, including gastronomy.
Dates and Opening Time
From March 9, 2024 to March 10, 2024
Cédric Grolet Opera
35 Avenue de l'Opéra
75002 Paris 2