Clandestine restaurant in Paris: over 110 people fined in the 19th arrondissement

Published by · Published on April 12, 2021 at 11:13 a.m.
In the night of Friday April 9, 2021, the police intervened in a clandestine restaurant in Paris 19th arrondissement. The 110 people on site have been fined for breaking curfew and health guidelines. The host and the manager have been remanded in custody.

In Paris, clandestine restaurants are still breaking the news. One week after the Palais Vivienne case – still making waves in the news and the executive – another restaurant opened illegally and has been found by Paris police. This Friday April 9, 2021, shortly after nightfall, police officers from the Paris Police (DSPAP) intervened in the middle of a dinner held in a clandestine restaurant in Paris 19th arrondissement.

Tweet reads: “Tonight in Paris 19th, police officers from the DSPAP, requisitioned for night-time disturbance from a restaurant, ended a gathering with over 110 people: guests fined for breaking the instated health measures, host and manager arrested”.

In a tweet released the morning after, Paris Police Prefecture reminds the facts: “Requisitioned for night-time disturbance from a restaurant”, the police officers “ended a gathering with over 110 people”. Furthermore, the forces of order say the “host and manager have been arrested”, following the police’s action. Paris prosecutor told AFP both of them have been remanded in custody for “endangering the life of others and undeclared work”.

Moreover, the hundred guests on location “have been fined for breaking the health measures”, the police prefecture adds. According to data unveiled this past Tuesday by the Secretary of the Interior, about 1,000 patrons of illegally-open restaurants have been fined since October 30, 2020 in Paris.

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After M6 TV channel broadcasted a story about clandestine dinners in Paris and indiscretion about ministers attending them, pressure has risen on social networks, especially on Twitter. With the hashtag #Onveutlesnoms - #Wewantthenames – anonymous people are looking for people who attended these private dinners for €200 per guest, as all restaurants have been closed since October 28, 2020. The day after the polemic, the Secretary of the Interior denounces rumors and claims no minister attended these illegal dinners. M6 Société des Journalistes - Journalist Society - has issued a statement to advocate for their news and sources that are reliable. [Read more]

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