Jean castex

Visuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de MatignonVisuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de MatignonVisuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de MatignonVisuel Journées du Patrimoine/Matrimoine hôtel de Matignon

Prime Minister: Michel Barnier appointed to Matignon by Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron has finally named a new Prime Minister: Michel Barnier, a member of the Les Républicains party, will take up residence at the Hôtel de Matignon. He will be responsible for forming the next government.
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Covid: vaccine pass to end on March 14, 2022, Jean Castex confirms

Is the vaccine pass to end soon in France? This Thursday March 3, Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on TF1 TV news the application of the vaccine pass will be suspended from March 14: the pass will no longer be required in restaurants, movie theaters…
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Coronavirus: what changes from February 16, 2022

As France is still faced with the coronavirus epidemic with the spread of the Omicron variant, the government adapts measures depending on the evolution of the health crisis. Here is what changes from February 16.
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Coronavirus: what changes from January 24, 2022

As the coronavirus epidemic goes on in France, rules change along the weeks to suit the health crisis. Here is what changes from January 24, 2022, in France.
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Coronavirus: vaccine pass from January 24 and exceptions for 1st doses

The coronavirus epidemic goes on in France. As the Constitutional Council is to release their report on the vaccine pass this Friday, the government addressed the transformation of the health pass during a conference delivered by Prime Minister Jean Castex and Health minister Olivier Véran this Thursday. Therefore, we have been told, it will come into effect this Monday January 24, 2022.
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Covid: the ban of eating and drinking on the train to end on February 16th

During a press brief held this Thursday January 20, 2022, Prime Minister Jean Castex shared a calendar lifting health restrictions in light of the end of the epidemic. What about the ban of eating and drinking on trains, planes, metro and buses? A question asked by many users. Here is more on the matter!
Covid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en FranceCovid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en FranceCovid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en FranceCovid : interdiction de danser dans les bars et restaurants pendant quatre semaines en France

Covid: dancing in bars and restaurants to be allowed from February 16th?

Dancing has been banned in France's bars and restaurants since this past December 8th. But when will it be allowed again to party in these venues? Although Jean Castex did not specified this restriction during the press conference held this January 20, 2022, it is likely it will be lifted at the same time nightclubs reopn, standing shows resume and the end of the ban of eating whilst standing in bars, namely from February 16th.
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Covid: Clubs and nightclubs to reopen from February 16

Nightclubs have been closed since December 10, 2021, until January 23, 2022, officially in France. This Thursday January 20, Jean Castex announced nightclubs will be allowed to reopen from February 16.
Photos : Hotel Tribe Batignolles, coffee shop, bar et restoPhotos : Hotel Tribe Batignolles, coffee shop, bar et restoPhotos : Hotel Tribe Batignolles, coffee shop, bar et restoPhotos : Hotel Tribe Batignolles, coffee shop, bar et resto

Covid: standing consumption allowed in bars and cafés from February 16th

This January 20, Jean Castex once again addressed a press brief to present a calendar lifting Covid-19 measures. The ban of standing consumption in bars and cafés is to come to an end from February 16, 2022.
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Coronavirus: limits to gatherings to be lifted in public places from February 2

France keeps on fighting against the coronavirus epidemic and the Omicron variant. This Thursday January 20, 2022, at 7 p.m., Prime Minister Jean Castex and Health Minister Olivier Véran shared a calendar easing restrictions. The question about the lifting of limited gatherings in public places was on the agenda. Here is more on the matter!
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Covid: standing shows to resume from February 16, 2022, Jean Castex announced

Faced with the rise of Covid cases in France, the government decided to ban standing shows. During the press conference held this Thursday January 20, 2022, Jean Castex delivered the dates lifting restrictions. This is now official, standing shows will resume from February 16, 2022.
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Vaccine pass: what does it involve and when will it come into effect?

How to get it, where to show it, who does it apply to, what sanctions in case of offence? Here is more about the government’s latest health law expected to implement the vaccine pass in France.
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Covid: eating and drinking banned in several public places, starting from this Monday

Following the latest health defense council, Jean Castex announced drinking and eating was banned in all movie theaters, theaters, sport facilities and public transit – including long hauls. This measure will come into effect from Monday January 3, 2022, for three weeks.
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Covid: Tests will stay free of charge for vaccinated adults past October 15th

As France is preparing for a fifth coronavirus epidemic wave - expected to hit this Fall - the population has to comply with the health pass now extended to many public places. Prime Minister Jean Castex also confirmed "comfort" screening tests will be charged from October 15, 2021... Before adding that only unvaccinated adults will have to pay for these tests if not prescribed by a doctor.
Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective" Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective" Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective" Réouverture des terrasses : Castex appelle à la "discipline collective"

The return to normal life, "on the right track" according to Jean Castex

For Jean Castex, the return to normal life is possible soon. This Tuesday, August 31, 2021, the Prime Minister said that "things are going in the right direction, the fourth wave is under control, controlled" through vaccination, while recalling that we are not yet out: "it is a matter of collective and individual responsibility." He thus calls on all French people to be vaccinated against covid.
Vaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccinVaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccinVaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccinVaccination coronavirus : près de la moitié des français a déjà reçu au moins une dose de vaccin

Covid vaccination: nearly three out of four adults have received at least one dose, says a delighted Attal

Vaccination figures continue to climb in France. On August 6, Gabriel Attal was delighted to report that almost three out of four adults have received a dose of vaccine. Since July 28, one in two French people has been fully vaccinated. The government's objective is still to reach 50 million primary vaccinated by the end of August.
DIRECT Covid : rentrée scolaire, vaccination, réouvertures à la mi-mai, les annonces de Jean CastexDIRECT Covid : rentrée scolaire, vaccination, réouvertures à la mi-mai, les annonces de Jean CastexDIRECT Covid : rentrée scolaire, vaccination, réouvertures à la mi-mai, les annonces de Jean CastexDIRECT Covid : rentrée scolaire, vaccination, réouvertures à la mi-mai, les annonces de Jean Castex

Covid: Health pass, vaccination, local restrictions, Jean Castex' latest announcements

Jean Castex was invited this Wednesday July 21, 2021 on TF1 news broadcast to present the latest governmental measures and decisions applying to the health crisis, especially because of the dramatic outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic. The Prime Minister has confirmed the government's strategy, namely vaccinating and health pass, considering the country entered the 4th wave. The Constitutional Council will be referred to again once the health pass bill will be voted by the Parliament. Here is more on the matter.
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Vaccination: has France enough doses to meet the high demand of these past days?

Over two million appointments made in one week: Emmanuel Macron’s announcements made this past July 12 led to a large appointment demand in vaccination centers. But has France enough doses to immunize everyone?
Covid : pourquoi le gouvernement ne veut pas rendre la vaccination obligatoireCovid : pourquoi le gouvernement ne veut pas rendre la vaccination obligatoireCovid : pourquoi le gouvernement ne veut pas rendre la vaccination obligatoireCovid : pourquoi le gouvernement ne veut pas rendre la vaccination obligatoire

Covid: is Emmanuel Macron to make vaccination compulsory?

The French President is expected to address the country again this Monday July 12. Among the topics he might address stands the issue of compulsory vaccination. Has Emmanuel Macron changed his mind and will he make this vaccination compulsory to all?
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Covid: curfew ends in France

This is now official, the end of curfew from 11 p.m. - initially expected to end on June 30 - is moved to Sunday June 20, 2021. Starting from this Sunday, French are allowed to get out by night without derogatory trip certificate. Outdoor facemask-wearing is no longer mandatory starting from Thursday June 17, 2021.