For the first time on free-to-air TV, Avatar: The Way of Water, the long-awaited sequel to James Cameron's masterpiece, will be available on Disney+ from February 9, 2025.
Thanks to its 13.4 million admissions, but above all thanks to the increased price of a 3D ticket and the premium theaters, "Avatar: The Way of the Water" has become the highest-grossing film in France in the history of cinema.
Avatar: The Way of the Water" only needed 15 days to surpass the 6.8 million admissions of "Top Gun: Maverick" and become the biggest hit of the year in France. Internationally, it has also exceeded one billion dollars at the box office.
While "Avatar: The Way of Water" is released in theaters, and you have probably already seen it, we offer a selection of books, movies and albums to continue the journey on Pandora!
In "Avatar: The Way of the Water", many new characters make their appearance. Among them, Tuktirey and Spider, respectively played by Trinity Bliss and Jack Champion. We met them, and they presented us in exclusivity their character.