Incidence rate - activities

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Covid: the situation in Île-de-France to grow “out of control”, Pr. Bruno Riou says

As the health situation in Île-de-France has authorities more and more anxious, AP-HP head of crisis said this Monday on France Inter “the situation is not out of control yet, but will be”.
Covid : "les semaines qui arrivent vont être difficiles" annonce CastexCovid : "les semaines qui arrivent vont être difficiles" annonce CastexCovid : "les semaines qui arrivent vont être difficiles" annonce CastexCovid : "les semaines qui arrivent vont être difficiles" annonce Castex

Covid: Jean Castex sets a criterion to put Île-de-France back into lockdown

This Sunday, invited on Twitch by Samuel Etienne, Jean Castex opened up. The Prime Minister explained for instance that Île-de-France was not subject to the same restrictions as Pas-de-Calais and Alpes-Maritimes, because the incidence rate has not reached 400 cases for 100,000 inhabitants.
Covid : pas de reconfinement national, le pari sanitaire risqué du gouvernement ?Covid : pas de reconfinement national, le pari sanitaire risqué du gouvernement ?Covid : pas de reconfinement national, le pari sanitaire risqué du gouvernement ?Covid : pas de reconfinement national, le pari sanitaire risqué du gouvernement ?

Covid: no nationwide lockdown, the government’s risky health bet?

On the night of the latest announcements made by Prime Minister Jean Castex, this Thursday March 4, 2021, the French understood the government keeps 6 p.m. curfew status quo to curb the Covid-19 epidemic in the 23 departments under “strengthened surveillance” – excluding Pas-de-Calais, placed in local lockdown starting this Saturday. Choosing “confidence contract” and speeding the vaccination campaign up is still double-edged: politically effective in the short run, the degradation of the health situation in France might make it risky in the medium or long run. Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ? Covid : en Île-de-France, le couvre-feu bientôt avancé à 18h ?

Coronavirus Paris - Île-de-France: curfew from 6 p.m. starting Saturday

The coronavirus epidemic keeps on spreading in France and to curb the spread, the government has announced curfew from 6 p.m. in mainland France including in Paris and Île-de-France as the virus is gaining ground.
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel - pont d'IénaVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel - pont d'IénaVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel - pont d'IénaVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel - pont d'Iéna

Coronavirus in Paris-Île-de-France: faced with the third wave, the ARS calls for new measures

In Île-de-France, things are getting worst and suggest the third wave is coming. As the English variant is spreading in Île-de-France, the regional health agency - Agence Régionale de Santé or ARS - calls for new measures.
Visuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon, MontmartreVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon, MontmartreVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon, MontmartreVisuel Paris, vue Courtyard Paris Gare de Lyon, Montmartre

Coronavirus: Paris on maximum alert area, new restrictions

Facing the worsening situation of the health crisis in the country, today, Paris and its inner suburbs are on maximum alert. This Monday October 5, 2020 at 11:30 a.m., Paris Police PRefect and the competent authorities have unveiled new anti-Covid measures. These new "binding measures" will be implemented on Tuesday for a two-week period.
Visuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de Triomphe

Coronavirus: re-containment on what criteria?

As in France the coronavirus epidemic is gaining ground, the shadow of a new lockdown seems to lurk over main big cities. So, what criteria might lead to a local re-containment in France?