Incidence rate - activities

Taux d'incidence par département en FranceTaux d'incidence par département en FranceTaux d'incidence par département en FranceTaux d'incidence par département en France

Incidence rate by department at Friday June 30th, 2023 in France

The incidence rate by department is an indicator to be followed very closely in order to monitor the evolution of the epidemic. We discover together the incidence rates of each department at Friday June 30th, 2023.
Visuel Paris Seine Quai Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Seine Quai Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Seine Quai Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Seine Quai Tour Eiffel

The incidence rate in Île-de-France this Friday June 30th, 2023

The health authorities continue to monitor the incidence rate in each département as a determining factor in whether measures should be tightened or relaxed. To make life easier for Ile-de-France residents, here is a map of the incidence rate by department in the Île-de-France region and Paris at Friday June 30th, 2023, based on data supplied by the government.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Incidence rate on the rise: 88 French departments with more than 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

While the coronavirus epidemic is still circulating in France, and the government is talking about a 7th wave, the incidence rate has jumped once again, exceeding 11.15 cases per 100,000 inhabitants at Friday June 30th, 2023. Here is the list of areas where the virus is circulating most.
Visuel Paris Montmartre Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Montmartre Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Montmartre Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Montmartre Tour Eiffel

Covid incidence: all Ile de France departments with more than 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants

As we keep hearing, the coronavirus epidemic is back on the rise since the latest restrictions were lifted! In Île-de-France, the situation is being closely monitored, and as elsewhere in France, incidence rates are rising again, reaching over 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days in the 8 departments of Île-de-France.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Coronavirus – Île-de-France: one Île-de-France inhabitant in 25 tests positive

Because of the fifth wave and the high contagiousness of the Omicron variant, the Covid-19 infection toll has been skyrocketing in the country since late December. And Île-de-France is particularly hit since between January 4 and 11, 2022, one test in twenty-five is positive, according to primary data from Santé Publique France.
Visuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris Seine

Omicron variant: the risk remains “very high” according to the WHO

Faced with the swift spread of Omicron across the world, the WHO is warning against the still “very high” risk related to this new variant.
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Covid: Paris is France’s hardest-hit department with 27% Omicron cases

Omicron is spreading at lightning pace and the number of positive cases because of it are still underestimated. Paris reports 27% of suspect cases making it the hardest-hit department in France by the new variant.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Covid: Paris reaches the “maximal alert” threshold of 250 cases for 100,000 inhabitants

The “maximal alert” threshold of 250 cases for 100,000 inhabitants has now been reached in Paris becoming then the hardest-hit department in Île-de-France and the eighth in France.
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Covid: over 1,000 hospitalizations per day by January? Olivier Véran alerts

While over 19,700 new Covid-19 cases have been reported this Tuesday November 16, Olivier Véran alerted in 20 Minutes daily about the risk France could reach “over 1,000 hospitalizations per day by January”.
Coronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en FranceCoronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en FranceCoronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en FranceCoronavirus : le taux d'incidence progresse de 125% en une semaine en France

Covid: the incidence rate moves above 100, a first since September

The coronavirus-related health situation in France is deteriorating. For the first rime since September, the incidence rate exceeded 100 cases for 100,000 inhabitants again.
Visuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel ParisVisuel Paris

Coronavirus: where does the virus spread the most in France?

Although France is experiencing an improvement in the coronavirus epidemic, all departments are not equal amid the health crisis. So, where does the virus still spread the most?
Visuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - Tour EiffelVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - Tour EiffelVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - Tour EiffelVisuel Paris, vue du Meurice suite Etoile - Tour Eiffel

Covid Île-de-France, 3 departments with incidence rates of over 200, towards new restrictions?

The coronavirus epidemic in the Paris region has seen a significant decline. However, due to the Delta variant becoming dominant in the region, Paris and the whole of the Île-de-France region saw a rebound in the epidemic. In three départements, the incidence rate exceeds 200 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, a decisive threshold that may give rise to further restrictions.
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Coronavirus in Paris and Île-de-France: the region's incidence rate drops again

After peaking because of the public holidays and spring break, the coronavirus epidemic-related incidence rate has been decreasing again for several days in a row in Ile-de-France. Is the situation getting better in the Paris area?
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel TrocadéroVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel TrocadéroVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel TrocadéroVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Trocadéro

Coronavirus: fewer screening tests but higher positivity rate in France

As mainland France is experiencing its third lockdown, and the country has exceeded 100,000 dead, Santé Publique France’s latest report states fewer tests have been taken. Yet, positivity rate keeps on increasing.
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Covid: towards the inversion of the curve and the end of the third wave’s peak in France?

Is the contamination curve inversing? Has the third epidemic wave peaked in France already? This is what some experts think, noticing a decrease in new contamination cases and the incidence rate in French departments complying with “massive curbing measures” for three weeks already. Keep reading to find out more.
Visuel Paris vide confinement Palais RoyalVisuel Paris vide confinement Palais RoyalVisuel Paris vide confinement Palais RoyalVisuel Paris vide confinement Palais Royal

Coronavirus Île-de-France: tighter containment this week in the Paris region?

In the face of the coronavirus epidemic, the situation is worsening in the Paris region. With hospitals soon to be saturated and the incidence rate rising, could the Paris region see its confinement tightened as early as this week? Here's what we know.
Visuel Paris Montmartre sunriseVisuel Paris Montmartre sunriseVisuel Paris Montmartre sunriseVisuel Paris Montmartre sunrise

Containment: departments at risk of tighter restrictions

As the coronavirus epidemic continues in France, the government has decreed local containment in 19 départements. However, the list could well grow longer. So which departments will be confined next? Here's what the latest figures show.
Covid en Île-de-France : "l'épidémie s'emballe", les soignants inquiets face à la troisième vague Covid en Île-de-France : "l'épidémie s'emballe", les soignants inquiets face à la troisième vague Covid en Île-de-France : "l'épidémie s'emballe", les soignants inquiets face à la troisième vague Covid en Île-de-France : "l'épidémie s'emballe", les soignants inquiets face à la troisième vague

Covid in Île-de-France: “The epidemic is getting carried away”, nurses worried facing the third wave

Doctors and health professionals have been warning about the pending outbreak of a third Covid-19 epidemic wave for weeks, especially in Île-de-France, the hardest-hit region. As the population complies with a new lockdown, hospital units are being overwhelmed and the incidence rate keeps on increasing. Caregivers assume they are close to the “breaking point”.
Covid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 marsCovid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 marsCovid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 marsCovid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 mars

New restrictions in Paris and Île-de-France: 4-week lockdown

The coronavirus epidemic is escalating in Île-de-France. The entire region has been placed under strengthened surveillance and hospitals are adapting to the increase in admissions in intensive care units. As the regional incidence rate exceeded the threshold of 400 cases for 100,000 inhabitants, Jean Castex has announced a four-week lockdown in the entire Paris area.
Visuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toits

Covid: incidence rate of over 400 in Île-de-France, containment this week?

Despite the progression of the coronavirus epidemic, Île-de-France has escaped weekend confinement until now. But as the region's incidence rate passed the decisive milestone of 400 cases per 100,000 inhabitants this Monday, March 15, 2021, Paris and all Ile-de-France residents could find themselves confined again as early as this week.