Large palace

La Nef est à vous, visite exceptionnelle de la Nef du Grand PalaisLa Nef est à vous, visite exceptionnelle de la Nef du Grand PalaisLa Nef est à vous, visite exceptionnelle de la Nef du Grand PalaisLa Nef est à vous, visite exceptionnelle de la Nef du Grand Palais

La Nef est à vous, an exceptional tour of the Nave of the Grand Palais

The Grand Palais is offering an exceptional tour of its Nave, entitled "La Nef et à vous", on June 9, 10, 16 and 17, 2018. An opportunity to admire a masterpiece of French architecture signed Henri Deglane.
Singin' in the Rain au Grand PalaisSingin' in the Rain au Grand PalaisSingin' in the Rain au Grand PalaisSingin' in the Rain au Grand Palais

Singin’ in the Rain at Paris Grand Palais

Because the Théâtre du Châtelet is closed for renovations for still a long time, the staff keeps on making us dream! From November 28, 2017 to January 11, 2018, the Théâtre du Châtelet takes over the nave of the Grand Palais for 47 exceptional performances of its very famous musical: Singin’ in the Rain!
Irving Penn, Girl with Tobacco on Tongue (Mary Jane Russell), New York, 1951Irving Penn, Girl with Tobacco on Tongue (Mary Jane Russell), New York, 1951Irving Penn, Girl with Tobacco on Tongue (Mary Jane Russell), New York, 1951Irving Penn, Girl with Tobacco on Tongue (Mary Jane Russell), New York, 1951

Irving Penn, the major retrospective at the Grand Palais

The Grand Palais is offering a major retrospective focusing on Irving Penn, from September 21, 2017 to January 29, 2018. An opportunity to focus on one of the greatest photographers of the 20th century, on the centenary of his birth.
Monumenta 2016 au Grand PalaisMonumenta 2016 au Grand PalaisMonumenta 2016 au Grand PalaisMonumenta 2016 au Grand Palais

Monumenta 2016 - Huang Yong Ping at the Grand Palais: Win your tickets!

Monumenta is an extraordinary challenge, an unprecedented installation in the Nave of the Grand Palais. For this 7th edition, the RMN has invited Huang Yong Ping, a great artist of Chinese origin, to confront the 35 meters of the Nave of the Grand Palais... His installation, Empires, is on view from May 8 to June 18, 2016! And we've got passes valid for 2 people to give away, folks!