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Lockdown exit: curfew, terraces and stores reopening, what has changed since May 19 in France

The second step of the lockdown exit started on Wednesday May 19, 2021 and is a new step towards normal life again. Reopenings, curfew, events, here is what has changed since then.
Covid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDACovid-19 : le traitement aux anticorps d'Eli Lilly autorisé aux Etats-Unis par la FDA

Covid: vaccines effective against "all COVID-19 virus variants", WHO claims

Are Covid vaccines – developed to stop the virus in its standard strain – effective against the different variants spreading worldwide? This Thursday May 20, 2021, the World Health Organization states currently used vaccines are effective against "all COVID-19 virus variants".
Covid : la Colchicine, un traitement prometteur contre le virus ?Covid : la Colchicine, un traitement prometteur contre le virus ?Covid : la Colchicine, un traitement prometteur contre le virus ?Covid : la Colchicine, un traitement prometteur contre le virus ?

Covid: Colchicine not working in hospitalized sick, Recovery trial found

Is Colchicine not working in Covid sick already at the hospital? This is the conclusion found by the Recovery trial in a study released this Tuesday May 18, explaining the use of this therapy "was not associated with reductions in mortality, duration of hospital stay, or risk of progressing to invasive mechanical ventilation or death". Yet, this was a promising molecule, according to Montreal Heart Institute in a study released in March 2020 explaining Colchicine was said to be effective against Coronavirus, according to primary results from a clinical trial.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid: EMA allows stocking Pfizer vaccine in standard refrigerators

This Friday March 26, the European Medicines Agency announced Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine can be stored at higher temperatures than recommended so far, for two weeks, making storage easier. An authorization following recommendations issued in mid-February by the American laboratory in terms of storage.
Vaccin Pfizer : la deuxième dose provoque-t-elle plus d'effets indésirables ?Vaccin Pfizer : la deuxième dose provoque-t-elle plus d'effets indésirables ?Vaccin Pfizer : la deuxième dose provoque-t-elle plus d'effets indésirables ?Vaccin Pfizer : la deuxième dose provoque-t-elle plus d'effets indésirables ?

Pfizer vaccine: does the second dose cause more side effects?

Headache, fever, shivers, fatigue… More and more French are complaining about disturbing side effects after they have been given the second dose of the Pfizer – BioNTech vaccine. According to doctors, there is nothing to be worried about.
Coronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux études

Covid immunity: antibodies protecting from the virus to stay for over 12 months

How long is one immunized against Covid? A question searchers from all around the world have been looking for answers for. According to one of the latest studies carried out by Strasbourg university hospitals, antibodies protecting against coronavirus stay for over 12 months in one's body, and vaccine improves their effectiveness.
Visuel Paris Printemps HaussmannVisuel Paris Printemps HaussmannVisuel Paris Printemps HaussmannVisuel Paris Printemps Haussmann

Lockdown exit: non-necessary stores and shopping malls reopen today

Non-necessary stores and shopping malls have been closed since April 3, 2021 - when the third lockdown started in France. This Wednesday May 19, 2021 marks the return of these stores in France: They are now allowed to reopen to their customers!
Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne Covid : des résultats encourageants après un « concert test » en Espagne

Covid: Paris test-concert, Roselyne Bachelot stands up for the organization

As concerts are at complete standstill since March 2020, many people are wondering when show venues will ultimately reopen. So far, no one knows, but hope has sparked thanks to test concerts. This experiment - called "Ambition Live Again" - has been given the green light from the authorities and will take place this May 29 at Paris Accor Arena. In an interview released this May 17, Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot stands up for the organization of this test concert in the French capital, explaining "Barcelona's is no longer valid".
Covid : moins de 100 morts en 24h en France, l'épidémie se stabilise enfin en 2021Covid : moins de 100 morts en 24h en France, l'épidémie se stabilise enfin en 2021Covid : moins de 100 morts en 24h en France, l'épidémie se stabilise enfin en 2021Covid : moins de 100 morts en 24h en France, l'épidémie se stabilise enfin en 2021

Covid: less than 100 deaths in 24h in France, the epidemic is ultimately getting stable in 2021

While the lockdown exit planned by the government is just around the corner in France, Covid-19 epidemic markers are slowly starting to stabilize with less worrying trends. For the first time since October 2020, there have been less than 100 deaths to coronavirus for the past 24 hours in France.
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel cocktailVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel cocktailVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel cocktailVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel cocktail

Coronavirus: optimistic on lockdown exit, Jérôme Salomon yet calls for prudence

Starting from May 19, the French can reunite with a part of their lives from before. According to Jérôme Salomon, this lockdown exit step arrives at the right time. In an interview with Journal du Dimanche, Health General Director yet calls for prudence.
Plus de morts du covid en 2021 qu'en 2021 ? L'OMS s'inquiète Plus de morts du covid en 2021 qu'en 2021 ? L'OMS s'inquiète Plus de morts du covid en 2021 qu'en 2021 ? L'OMS s'inquiète Plus de morts du covid en 2021 qu'en 2021 ? L'OMS s'inquiète

Covid to be more deadly in 2021 than in 2020? WHO is worried

This Friday May 14, 2021 the World Health Organization (WHO) announces the pandemic is about to be more deadly this year than in 2020. General Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus asks nations to not vaccinate children and teenagers to give doses to the Covax plan.
Covid : peut-on arrêter de porter un masque si l'on est vacciné ? Covid : peut-on arrêter de porter un masque si l'on est vacciné ? Covid : peut-on arrêter de porter un masque si l'on est vacciné ? Covid : peut-on arrêter de porter un masque si l'on est vacciné ?

Covid: Should you still wear a mask although vaccinated?

Can people given two doses of vaccine ditch facemasks? The Haut Conseil de la Santé Publique – High Council for Public Health – has agreed to ease health guidelines just a bit for people immunized – under certain conditions.
Covid : la réouverture des terrasses le 19 mai confirmée par Olivier Véran Covid : la réouverture des terrasses le 19 mai confirmée par Olivier Véran Covid : la réouverture des terrasses le 19 mai confirmée par Olivier Véran Covid : la réouverture des terrasses le 19 mai confirmée par Olivier Véran

Covid: no gauge for small terraces, announces Alain Griset

On Monday May 10, the French Minister of Health confirmed that restaurant and café terraces will be reopened throughout France from May 19, 2021. These are subject to gauges: they can only accommodate 50% of customers, except for small terraces, which are allowed to use all their tables.
Edo : la terrasse éphémère au Palais de Tokyo avec le chef Mory SackoEdo : la terrasse éphémère au Palais de Tokyo avec le chef Mory SackoEdo : la terrasse éphémère au Palais de Tokyo avec le chef Mory SackoEdo : la terrasse éphémère au Palais de Tokyo avec le chef Mory Sacko

Coronavirus: reopening terraces be good? “There are fewer contaminations outside”

And what if reopening terraces was actually good to fight the coronavirus epidemic? As France is about to move to phase two of the lockdown exit scheme, outdoor outings could enable to decrease contamination tolls.
Covid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel MacronCovid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel MacronCovid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel MacronCovid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel Macron

Facemask-wearing “could become a habit” especially in flu season, Castex thinks

As many people hope to be soon able to ditch facemask outside, the French Prime Minister thinks facemask-wearing “could undoubtedly become a natural protection means beyond Covid. (…) It could become a habit in the West, especially during the winter flu season”, he said this Tuesday May 11, 2021 in an interview with our peers from Le Parisien.
Covid : « Il faut être très vigilant jusqu'à fin juin », selon le professeur Arnaud FontanetCovid : « Il faut être très vigilant jusqu'à fin juin », selon le professeur Arnaud FontanetCovid : « Il faut être très vigilant jusqu'à fin juin », selon le professeur Arnaud FontanetCovid : « Il faut être très vigilant jusqu'à fin juin », selon le professeur Arnaud Fontanet

Covid: “We need to be very cautious until late June”, Pr. Arnaud Fontanet says

As France is to enter the second phase of the lockdown exit strategy this May 19, Pr. Arnaud Fontanet considers “we need to be very cautious until late June”. “With over 50% of the population vaccinated, we may enter summer in good conditions”, Institut Pasteur epidemiologist and member of the Scientific Committee said this Monday May 10, 2021 on France Inter.
Covid : les masques réduisent de 99,9% les risques de propagation des postillons selon une étudeCovid : les masques réduisent de 99,9% les risques de propagation des postillons selon une étudeCovid : les masques réduisent de 99,9% les risques de propagation des postillons selon une étudeCovid : les masques réduisent de 99,9% les risques de propagation des postillons selon une étude

Covid: definitively getting rid of the virus is “almost unlikely”, Alain Fischer says

While many people are expecting to overcome Covid-19 thanks to vaccines, immunology professor Alain Fischer says in an interview with Le Parisien published this May 7, 2021 “getting rid (of the virus – Editor’s note) is almost unlikely”.
Covid : l'ibuprofène n'aggrave pas les cas de coronavirus, assure une étude britanniqueCovid : l'ibuprofène n'aggrave pas les cas de coronavirus, assure une étude britanniqueCovid : l'ibuprofène n'aggrave pas les cas de coronavirus, assure une étude britanniqueCovid : l'ibuprofène n'aggrave pas les cas de coronavirus, assure une étude britannique

Covid: ibuprofen does not worsen coronavirus cases, a British study found

At the beginning of the pandemic, doctors warned us against taking ibuprofen, suspected to exacerbate the risk of developing severe Covid-19. A recent British study shows this drug ends up not dangerous at all.
Coronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux étudesCoronavirus : les anticorps présents jusqu'à trois mois après contamination selon deux études

Covid: lockdown exit more “political” than “health-oriented”, doctors think

Despite Covid, lockdown exit has been denigrated by scientists once more… In an opinion’s column released this Sunday May 9 in Journal du Dimanche, about twenty doctors and specialists have called into question the upcoming lockdown exit phases planed by the executive including the reopening of many places of life throughout the country starting from May 19. A lockdown exit they consider more “political” than “health-oriented”.
Rock En Seine 2019, les photosRock En Seine 2019, les photosRock En Seine 2019, les photosRock En Seine 2019, les photos

Covid: standing festivals allowed from July 1st with “4sqm per festivalgoer”

As many festivals have decided to cancel and postpone their edition 2021 because of health restrictions announced by the government, this May 6, Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot has announced open air and standing festivals will be ultimately allowed to resume from July 1, but including a “4sqm per festivalgoer” gauge.