News covid guide - activities

Covid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-UnisCovid : Johnson & Johnson demande une autorisation pour son vaccin en urgence aux Etats-Unis

Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be given starting late April in France

During the press brief held this Thursday April 22, Health Minister Olivier Véran announced the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will start to be given starting this Saturday April 24 in pharmacies. The vaccine arrives after being assessed safe on Tuesday April 20 by the European Medicines Agency.
Visuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toitsVisuel Paris vue toits

Coronavirus: failure to respect quarantine, controls, and a fine given to travelers

Faced with the threats of coronavirus variants, France is now imposing a ten-day self-isolation period to travelers coming from Brazil, Chile, Argentina, India, French Guiana, and South Africa. Controls are planned to make sure this measure is complied with, including a €1,500 fine in the event of an offence.
Laho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de LyonLaho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de LyonLaho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de LyonLaho, la terrasse en rooftop Gare de Lyon

Lockdown exit: reopening calendar, Castex confirms the mid-May deadline

As the coronavirus epidemic is declining in France, the reopening calendar gets more precise. The official announcement is expected for Emmanuel Macron’s address to take place by the end of April. reopening of non-necessary stores, terraces or bars and terraces, and cultural places including movie theaters, museums, theaters, and show venues, here is what we know so far.
Paris : les classes de primaire de l'école Sainte-Louise fermées en raison du Covid Paris : les classes de primaire de l'école Sainte-Louise fermées en raison du Covid Paris : les classes de primaire de l'école Sainte-Louise fermées en raison du Covid Paris : les classes de primaire de l'école Sainte-Louise fermées en raison du Covid

Covid: Castex confirms nursery and elementary schools reopen on April 26

After closing for three weeks to curb the Covid-19 epidemic in the country, nursery and elementary schools will reopen on Monday April 26, 2021. This is what Prime Minister Jean Castex confirmed this April 22 during a press brief.
Covid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine HillCovid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine HillCovid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine HillCovid : un déconfinement "beaucoup trop tôt" selon l'épidémiologiste Catherine Hill

Covid: lockdown exit is “way too soon”, epidemiologist Catherine Hill thinks

Despite a very slight decline in Covid infections, and while the government is pursuing their goal to lift lockdown by mid-May, epidemiologist and biostatistician Catherine Hill explained in an interview with L’Express it was way too soon for such measures, or be subject to an epidemic outbreak.
Visuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'ElyséeVisuel Paris Palais de l'Elysée

Coronavirus: Gabriel Attal's announcements following the Defense Council

At the end of the Defense Council, the government spokesman Gabriel Attal unveiled his report this Wednesday, April 21, 2021. Here is a summary of the announcements concerning the health crisis.
Visuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CoeurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CoeurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré CoeurVisuel Paris Montmartre Sacré Coeur

Covid: “This could be the peak” of the third wave, Gabriel Attal thinks

After the ministerial council held this Wednesday April 21, 2021, government spokesman Gabriel Attal revealed many news to the press. Among them, the idea the third Covid-19 contamination wave is eventually peaking in France. Therefore, it is expected the decline of this wave be faster than the increase.
Visuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour EiffelVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel

Covid: “The Indian variant will arrive in France, it’s a matter of days”, Karine Lacombe says

Even though so far, no Indian variant case has been detected in the country, “it’s a matter of days”, infectious disease specialist Karine Lacombe said this April 21 on France Info, adding “the Indian variant will arrive in France”.
Covid : ce que l'on sait du variant indien, le "double mutant" qui inquièteCovid : ce que l'on sait du variant indien, le "double mutant" qui inquièteCovid : ce que l'on sait du variant indien, le "double mutant" qui inquièteCovid : ce que l'on sait du variant indien, le "double mutant" qui inquiète

Covid: what is known about the Indian variant, the “double mutant” worrying scientists

As many scientists are thoroughly monitoring the Brazilian variant, others have their eyes set on the Indian variant. Nicknamed “double mutant”, this strain is suspected of being behind a new surge of the Covid-19 epidemic in India. Should this Indian variant be feared? What is known exactly about it? Keep reading to find out more.
Covid : Olivier Véran favorable à un déconfinement « territoire par territoire »Covid : Olivier Véran favorable à un déconfinement « territoire par territoire »Covid : Olivier Véran favorable à un déconfinement « territoire par territoire »Covid : Olivier Véran favorable à un déconfinement « territoire par territoire »

Covid: Olivier Véran ruling for lifting lockdown on a territory basis

How will lockdown be lifted in France? In an interview with Télégramme, Health Minister Olivier Véran is “open” to lifting restrictions “territory by territory”.
Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021Covid : le second vaccin de Sanofi ne sera pas prêt en 2021

Covid vaccine: answers to questions you may have

As Covid vaccination is growing in France, many of you are wondering about the vaccines and how such an action is useful to curb the spread of the virus. Questions the editorial board tries to answer to.
Visuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris Seine

Covid: lockdown to be extended in France? There is a risk, Pr. Amouyel thinks

Could the third lockdown – instated in France since April 3 – be extended? This is what fears Lille University Public Health Professor Philippe Amouyel.
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel cerisiers en fleursVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel cerisiers en fleursVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel cerisiers en fleursVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel cerisiers en fleurs

Covid: “No improvement to expect” by late May in France, an INSERM epidemiologist thinks

As Emmanuel Macron has announced travel restrictions will be progressively lifted early May, INSERM epidemiologist Dominique Costagliola told France Inter that because of the current situation there is “no soon improvement to expect” or even “any decrease” by late May in the country.
Covid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en FranceCovid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en FranceCovid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en FranceCovid: le Conseil scientifique craint "un risque d’extension du variant brésilien" cet été en France

Covid: the Scientific Committee fears “the Brazilian variant might increase” in France this summer

With each passing day, the Brazilian variant makes experts and authorities more and more worried. In their latest report released this April 18, 2021, the French Scientific Committee states “the Brazilian variant might increase in the summer 2021” in France.
Covid : les États-Unis exigent un test négatif pour tous les voyageurs arrivant en avionCovid : les États-Unis exigent un test négatif pour tous les voyageurs arrivant en avionCovid : les États-Unis exigent un test négatif pour tous les voyageurs arrivant en avionCovid : les États-Unis exigent un test négatif pour tous les voyageurs arrivant en avion

Covid: Macron announces travel restrictions to be progressively lifted from early May

As the summer season is just around the corner, this April 18, Emmanuel Macron announced in an interview with American TV channel CBS Covid-19 pandemic travel restrictions will be lifted from early May.
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel TrocadéroVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel TrocadéroVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel TrocadéroVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel Trocadéro

Coronavirus: fewer screening tests but higher positivity rate in France

As mainland France is experiencing its third lockdown, and the country has exceeded 100,000 dead, Santé Publique France’s latest report states fewer tests have been taken. Yet, positivity rate keeps on increasing.
Covid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDACovid : le vaccin de Pfizer/BioNTech ne présenterait pas de risque de sécurité selon la FDA

Pfizer vaccine: booster shots likely to be needed, the laboratory warns

Because of Covid-19 variants and to guarantee longer immunity to people vaccinated with the Pfizer solution, the laboratory CEO warned that booster shots were likely to be needed by six to twelve months, then followed by one shot every year.
Covid : 100 000 morts en France, quel est le profil des victimes ?Covid : 100 000 morts en France, quel est le profil des victimes ?Covid : 100 000 morts en France, quel est le profil des victimes ?Covid : 100 000 morts en France, quel est le profil des victimes ?

Covid: 100,000 dead in France, what is the profile of the victims?

France has just exceeded 100,000 dead to Covid-19. A tragic milestone enabling to establish a typical profile of the victims to this pandemic.
Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?Covid : vers une anonymisation des doses de vaccins en France ?

Covid: vaccine doses to be anonymized in France?

As more and more French distrust some Covid vaccines, Europe 1 radio station reports the Health Minister is considering anonymizing doses and therefore no longer tell the name of the vaccine given to the person during the appointment.
Visuel Paris terrasse FaustVisuel Paris terrasse FaustVisuel Paris terrasse FaustVisuel Paris terrasse Faust

Covid: terraces and museums, the first to reopen from mid-May, Macron and Attal state

According to several elected representatives who attended the Covid crisis meeting this Thursday April 15 with Emmanuel Macron, terraces and museums are the first places to reopen when lockdown is lifted. A reopening starting from mid-May confirmed by Gabriel Attal this Thursday as well, along with the reopening of stores if the health conditions enable to do so.