Wearing a mask - activities

Fin du masque à l'extérieur au 1er juillet ? "Si les conditions le permettent" estime Jérôme SalomonFin du masque à l'extérieur au 1er juillet ? "Si les conditions le permettent" estime Jérôme SalomonFin du masque à l'extérieur au 1er juillet ? "Si les conditions le permettent" estime Jérôme SalomonFin du masque à l'extérieur au 1er juillet ? "Si les conditions le permettent" estime Jérôme Salomon

Outdoor facemask-wearing to come to a close from June 17, Jean Castex announces

This Wednesday June 16, Jean Castex has surprised everyone announcing facemasks will no longer be mandatory outside starting from June 17. "Outdoor facemask-wearing will no longer be compulsory excluding on some conditions (gatherings, crowded places, queues, markets...)", he stated at the end of the Ministerial Council.
Covid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel MacronCovid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel MacronCovid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel MacronCovid : "j’espère qu’on pourra lâcher le masque à l’été prochain", souhaite Emmanuel Macron

Facemask-wearing “could become a habit” especially in flu season, Castex thinks

As many people hope to be soon able to ditch facemask outside, the French Prime Minister thinks facemask-wearing “could undoubtedly become a natural protection means beyond Covid. (…) It could become a habit in the West, especially during the winter flu season”, he said this Tuesday May 11, 2021 in an interview with our peers from Le Parisien.
Covid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 marsCovid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 marsCovid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 marsCovid : reconfinement local le week-end en Île-de-France et à Paris ? Verdict le 6 mars

New restrictions in Paris and Île-de-France: 4-week lockdown

The coronavirus epidemic is escalating in Île-de-France. The entire region has been placed under strengthened surveillance and hospitals are adapting to the increase in admissions in intensive care units. As the regional incidence rate exceeded the threshold of 400 cases for 100,000 inhabitants, Jean Castex has announced a four-week lockdown in the entire Paris area.
Covid : les masques artisanaux en tissus aussi efficaces que les chirurgicaux selon l'OMSCovid : les masques artisanaux en tissus aussi efficaces que les chirurgicaux selon l'OMSCovid : les masques artisanaux en tissus aussi efficaces que les chirurgicaux selon l'OMSCovid : les masques artisanaux en tissus aussi efficaces que les chirurgicaux selon l'OMS

Covid: handmade fabric facemasks as effective as surgical masks, WHO says

As Olivier Véran and the Haute Autorité de Santé no longer recommend handmade cloth facemask to keep one safe from Covid variant, this Friday January 22, 2021, WHO addressed the issue, pointing the contrary. A statement followed by the National Academy of Medicine recommending French to keep on wearing them.
Visuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris SeineVisuel Paris Seine

Coronavirus Paris-Île-de-France: when will restrictions be eased off?

Facemask-wearing, curfew, and anticipated closure, more and more restrictions have been instated in Paris and Île-de-France to curb the coronavirus epidemic all the way to the implementation of a new nationwide lockdown. But when will restrictions be eased off? First answers.
Visuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de TriompheVisuel Paris Champs-Elysées Arc de Triomphe

Coronavirus: re-containment on what criteria?

As in France the coronavirus epidemic is gaining ground, the shadow of a new lockdown seems to lurk over main big cities. So, what criteria might lead to a local re-containment in France?
Coronavirus : le vélo, prime à l’achat, pistes cyclables, conseils et vos droits Coronavirus : le vélo, prime à l’achat, pistes cyclables, conseils et vos droits Coronavirus : le vélo, prime à l’achat, pistes cyclables, conseils et vos droits Coronavirus : le vélo, prime à l’achat, pistes cyclables, conseils et vos droits

Mandatory masks in Paris: the measure ultimately does not apply to cyclists and runners

Facemasks are mandatory in Paris starting Friday August 28, 2020 at 8 a.m. But does the measure also apply to cyclists and runners? After announcing that everybody was to yield to this obligation, excluding “users riding inside motor vehicles”, the police prefecture back-pedaled saying that ultimately cyclists and runners do not have to wear a mask to move around Paris and the inner suburbs of Paris.
Visuel Paris Tour Eiffel quai de SeineVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel quai de SeineVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel quai de SeineVisuel Paris Tour Eiffel quai de Seine

Coronavirus: facemasks mandatory everywhere

Will the city of Paris generalize mandatory facemasks in town? In the August 27's press conference, Prime Minister Jean Castex said he was in talks with the Paris city hall to "extend the obligation of facemasks" in the French capital, to start the day after, Friday August 28, at 8 a.m. As for now, facemasks are mandatory in several crowded outdoor places in the city.
Coronavirus : le masque désormais systématique dans les cinémas et salles de spectacleCoronavirus : le masque désormais systématique dans les cinémas et salles de spectacleCoronavirus : le masque désormais systématique dans les cinémas et salles de spectacleCoronavirus : le masque désormais systématique dans les cinémas et salles de spectacle

Coronavirus: facemasks now systematic in movie theaters and show venues

This Wednesday August 26, 2020 Jean Castex has stated facemasks will be systematic in movie theaters, theaters, and other show venues, ending social distancing and one-seat-in-two occupancy rules.
Port du masque obligatoire à Paris : la nouvelle liste des zones concernées par arrondissement Port du masque obligatoire à Paris : la nouvelle liste des zones concernées par arrondissement Port du masque obligatoire à Paris : la nouvelle liste des zones concernées par arrondissement Port du masque obligatoire à Paris : la nouvelle liste des zones concernées par arrondissement

Mandatory facemasks in Paris: the new list of areas concerned per arrondissement

This Friday August 14, 2020, the Paris prefecture announces new areas where facemasks are mandatory starting from this Saturday at 8 a.m. In Paris, and in many departments around, the mandatory covering from Monday August 10, at 8 a.m., is then extended to new areas including the Champs-Elysées. Here is the list of places per arrondissement.
Visuel Paris Seine MaraisVisuel Paris Seine MaraisVisuel Paris Seine MaraisVisuel Paris Seine Marais

Paris: mandatory facemasks in outdoor public places, the map of areas concerned

In Paris, facemasks are mandatory in some areas from Monday August 10, 2020. This Friday August 14, the Police prefecture said they extended the measure to new streets and neighborhoods. The Champs-Elysées, the Louvre area and the Batignolles neighborhood are concerned. The prefect also said that “if the epidemiologic situation was to worsen again, facemasks might be mandatory in the entire capital”.
Le Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénovéLe Théâtre du Châtelet rénové

Shows over 5,000 people allowed from mid-August: the Ministry shifts focus

Will the performing art world restart this summer? In a press release publish on August 4, new Minister for Culture Roselyne Bachelot says shows gathering over 5,000 people will be allowed by prefects from August 15, 2020, but on some health conditions. Since the release of the decree, the minister has shited focus on some points. Here is more about it.
Coronavirus : la parole, un important vecteur de transmission du Covid-19 ?Coronavirus : la parole, un important vecteur de transmission du Covid-19 ?Coronavirus : la parole, un important vecteur de transmission du Covid-19 ?Coronavirus : la parole, un important vecteur de transmission du Covid-19 ?

Airborne transmission of coronavirus is possible, a study says

According to a study released on Monday July 20, 2020 by a team of scientists from the Nebraska university in the medRxiv magazine, airborne transmission of coronavirus is possible, like talking, breathing, coughing or sneezing. Results that support what other scientists said following an experiment released on May 13 in scientific PNAS magazine.
Coronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avionCoronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avionCoronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avionCoronavirus : Les nouvelles recommandations sanitaires pour les voyages en avion

Coronavirus: health guidelines for air travels

The International Civil Aviation Organization has released a series of health guidelines in order to relaunch the air sector safely. Careful, non-surgical clothes facemasks are not allowed before boarding. The only masks authorized are disposable surgical masks.
Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant Coronavirus : l'Académie de médecine recommande le port du masque obligatoire dès maintenant

Coronavirus: what are the closed public places facemasks are mandatory in?

Facemasks are now mandatory in closed public places from Monday July 20, 2020 in France. Health Minister Olivier Véran shared the list of places concerned. Here there are.
Coronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundiCoronavirus : vers plus de métros sur la ligne 13 à Paris dès lundi

Coronavirus: all metro stations open, traffic forecast in Paris on June 22

Since May 11th, first day of the containment exit, the public transportation public in Paris and Ile-de-France has improved. All statiosn are open, and here is the traffic forecast for Monday June 22, in Paris and Ile-de-France.
Visuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder MountainVisuels Disneyland Paris Big Thunder Mountain

Disneyland Paris: the health safety scheme for the reopening

Disneyland Paris has disclosed in a confidential document, that our peers at Le Parisien have been able to browse, the health safety scheme that might be implemented when the park reopens. What are the health measures involved? We tell you everything!
Restaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photosRestaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photosRestaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photosRestaurant Mad Men à Paris, les photos

Restaurants reopening: social distancing, mask… what the health protocol involves

As the government is said to address on the reopening of restaurants and cafés from June 2nd in all green departments only, a common containment exit health protocol for hotels, cafés and restaurants has been disclosed this May 22nd. One-meter distance between each patron, mandatory facemask for staff and patrons if they move around the room… Here is what it is about.
Déconfinement : vers un port du masque obligatoire dans les rues de Paris pour Anne HidalgoDéconfinement : vers un port du masque obligatoire dans les rues de Paris pour Anne HidalgoDéconfinement : vers un port du masque obligatoire dans les rues de Paris pour Anne HidalgoDéconfinement : vers un port du masque obligatoire dans les rues de Paris pour Anne Hidalgo

Deconfinement: Anne Hidalgo thinks facemasks to be mandatory in the streets of Paris

As France is exiting containment, Anne Hidalgo announced this Tuesday May 12th she wanted facemasks to be mandatory in the streets of Paris. A declaration made on Twitter in order to secure Parisians and reopen parks and gardens.
Déconfinement : Air France contrôlera la température de ses passagers dès le 11 maiDéconfinement : Air France contrôlera la température de ses passagers dès le 11 maiDéconfinement : Air France contrôlera la température de ses passagers dès le 11 maiDéconfinement : Air France contrôlera la température de ses passagers dès le 11 mai

Containment exit: Air France to check passengers’ temperatures from May 11th

Starting from May 11, Air France airline will control passengers’ body temperatures. If the temperature is over 38°C (100.4°F), they may be denied boarding.